Raunchy Races

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Davina's pov:

After we finished the cocktail race and the villa won I couldn't help but wonder what Callum had thought about it and whether he enjoyed it. We were all hanging out that night just talking while the rest of the girls were in the kitchen talking to the guys, I was on the couch by the kitchen talking to Cole the guy who looks like Callum. Cole was tall and really sweet but all I kept thinking about was Callum and how I wanted him to come back single.

Cole looked at me before saying "so you and Callum how's that going and do you trust him?"

I remained silent for a second but that was only because I was shocked at the bluntest when I said "yeah me and Callum are going well to be fair. As for if I trust him yes because he's had chances with Rebecca, Jess, and Eve yet hasn't gone anywhere."

He nodded before saying "are you worried?"

"yeah I am mainly because I have a lot of trust issues so they are starting to rear their heads." He nodded as I finished the sentence.

He then looked at me before asking "would you ever think about recoupling?"

I looked at him blankly before saying "not a shot he is my one in a million guy even if he does recouple."

Cole nodded while looking down a bit which I felt bad about but definitely not enough to care about. He then left while I went to the day beds with Siannise, Demi, Paige, and Shaughna then talked about how much we missed the guys.


Callum's pov:

Later I was sitting on the day bed with Finn and Luke M just speaking before Finn said "what's happening with Alex mate?"

I looked at him before nodding showing that I agreed before saying "no clue mate but the one thing running through his mind is that Molly is fit" I nodded because it was true and she was from Manchester which was a plus. We all continued to talk before it was decided that me, Luke T, and Finn were staying outside tonight while the others were sleeping inside and Alex was sleeping in Molly's bed. I just couldn't sleep inside with some one especially because it feels like a betrayal to Davina.

Callum: If Davina is sleeping in someone's bed I don't know what I'd do I mean that I am absolutely falling in love with the girl she is my absolute everything, my soulmate, my one in a million. I can't lose her I would be completely lost without her. I'm glad Finn and Luke T are staying loyal so far as Paige and Siannise are good friends of Davina but Alex is definitely going to cause some problems and Shaughna looks like she's going to get hurt.

Then I headed to bed after those thoughts just thinking about being able to get back to the villa and see Davina who's hopefully still single.


Davina's pov:

All the girls were still sat on the day beds just talking when Jess asked all of us how we were feeling. Paige turned to Jess before saying "I think the walls are coming up and I don't know if i'm gonna end up regretting it."

We all nodded before Shaughna then said "I'm stressed because I think he will come back with another girl."

I looked at them before saying "i'm stressing a little bit but that's mainly my trust issues rearing their ugly heads again." Rebecca likes Jordan which we all screamed about and Siannise is staying with Luke T. When it was time to go to bed we all headed inside to get ready before Siannise and I ended up in Siannise's bed while Shaughna and Paige all ended up on the couch as we snuggled each other and in my terms snuggled the shirt that Callum left me.

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