"I've got an idea." Jasper said, pulling away and tugging her inside by her hand. She watched as he led her to their room and into the bathroom.

He started filling up the bath with hot water, the steam rising slowly. He then filled it with bubbles until the bath looked full. Jasper turned around and smiled, looking at her expectantly.

"At least take me for dinner first, Major." She teased and his eyes darkened slightly.

Aimee unbuttoned her top and slipped it off, Jasper's eyes followed the motion of her fingers. She leaned down to take off her boots and then her socks. She then slipped off her leggings until she stood in her underwear.

Jasper wasn't moving. He had never seen her like this before, and he took in her whole body. "Don't just stand there, you're joining me." Aimee smiled as Jasper hesitated before slipping off his top, revealing his torso.

She definitely did not drool.

He smirked as he felt her emotions, apparently she was much easier to read as a vampire. Aimee folded her arms over her chest and looked at him, "Turn around." Jasper's mouth curved upwards but he turned around, letting her take off her bra and underwear.

She slipped into the bath and moaned at the contrast of hot water on her cold skin. Jasper tensed at the sound, already affected by it. Jasper straightened up and turned around, his eyes pitch black. Aimee didn't realise it though, as she was facing the wrong way.

She closed her eyes and leaned back in the bath, hearing Jasper's clothes hit the floor, rather quickly. Aimee giggled at his rush, and then she heard him walk towards her.

He then slipped in behind her, their bodies closed any gaps between each other. His arms wrapped around her waist, her head leaned back on his chest. His fingers stroked her hips and ribs, not going anywhere else and Aimee sighed in content.

"Thank you." She whispered, echoing around the bathroom. Jasper smiled and his lips skimmed her ear and travelled downwards.

Jasper leaned down and kissed her neck once, muttering "You deserve it." on my skin.

-mature scene ahead, skip if you're uncomfortable with it!-

Aimee tilted her head and Jasper placed another a kiss on her neck, softly. He then placed a line of kisses from behind her ear to her shoulder, his grip on her hips tightening.

She leaned back into his chest more, a small moan erupting from her lips. Jasper tensed and growled lowly, biting the girl's skin lightly.

His fingers slipped down to her thighs, brushing the skin there slowly.

"Tell me want you want." Jasper whispered, his voice low and filled with need. If Aimee's cheeks could burn, they would blush right now.

"I want..." She guided his hand closer to her core, hesitant, and his lips stilled on her neck. "I want you to touch me." She whispered, her voice quiet, hesitant but brave.

Jasper's fingers skimmed her core, barely touching her and the heat grew. "Are you sure?" He asked, Aimee hummed in response.

"Give me words." He ordered, his fingers stilled.

"I'm sure." She said heavily under her breath, rolling her hips forward. Jasper was on the edge already, feeling her moving just turned him on more.

His fingers stroked her core and she stilled, his fingers slowly rubbing her clit. Aimee whimpered and let out a gasp. A single finger then slipped inside her and she moaned softly, her hand reaching to grasp Jasper's hair, pulling softly.

Heart of Stone | Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now