41. A step towards him

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(What a beautiful song it is! Still one of my favourites)

"Have you thought it through zhanzhan?" Lisa enquired, her hands folded nicely under her chin as she was in deep thoughts.

Xiao Zhan hummed as a reply as he stuffed his belongings into a bag.

"You know right! It's either win or loose situation! If he doesn't regains his memories or worst he goes into a panic attack-"

"Lisa! I am already very stressed please don't give me mini heart attacks. I will not put him in any extreme situation..." Xiao Zhan stated, his hands resting on either side of his waist.

"I wish. Just keep updating me okay!"



Xiao Zhan was ready with his luggage as he waited outside his apartment for Wang yibo. Yes this was happening! They were going to the place where their story has started! Where he gathered all the guts he ever had and spilled out what he felt for the other!

No matter how much short lived their happiness was, how much struggles and barriers they crossed, but now for yibo, even though he has forgotten him, he was ready to face it all again.

He knows the bleeding wound his heart have gonna hurt like hell, it would not be easy but he will surely not give up. No, not now. After walking so many miles, he had to give a last try.

For his happiness!

For himself!

Continous beeping of a horn brought him back to reality as yibo pressed the horns to gain his attention.

Xiao Zhan jerked and looks at the car, his gaze stopped at yibo who was staring back, he usually feels a lot of things whenever he sees yibo. He don't know how but a series of their lovely moments and neverending regrets haunts him whenever he see the other so oblivious of his pain.

What if I have never showed you my heart yibo? What if you have never came back to Beijing? And what if i have never involved you in the mess i was in? Would it be different, us, the condition we are in, whatever which has changed between us, only if i had the ability to change everything?

Looks like only God knows the answer but what I know is that I want to be with you, every minute, every second in whatever way possible, I don't want to go away till I have strength.

Xiao Zhan smiled and waved at yibo which was responded with a nod. He showed his bunny teeth when yibo himself carried his luggage to the boot of the car.

He helped Zhan to settle inside and tucked his seatbelt.

Still the same, you are still a man of actions and emotions yibo. You don't know but you still love me. If only...I could take all the worst things to me. Xiao Zhan smiled while looking at his adorable yibo.


"Uhmm" zhan tried to say something but he refrained.

"What?" Yibo asked with his eyes at the road ahead.

"My gege and others?" Xiao Zhan fiddled with his fingers as he inquired.

"Hm they are on their way!" Actually yibo knows that he forgot something major in an accident. He knows he and all his friends used to know xiao zhan but he couldn't recall anything related to zhan. He tried but he just can't.

"Hehe okay!" Xiao Zhan giggled. The cute giggles felt so soothing and calming to yibo that a small smile could be seen on his face, lifting the corners of his lips.

"But why didn't you ask yourself. I mean he is your brother"

"I didn't want to. He always nags me about things" he pouts cutely which was not left undiscovered by yibo as he shook his head in defeat.

Zhan was enjoying the road trip, though his eyes was mostly on yibo's face rather than the beautiful scenery that was playing outside the glass window.

Wang yibo was aware of the small glances that Zhan was stealing, but he didn't feel offended. Though he was his boss, but he never liked to nag or scold him.

As the car wheeled further, their moment broke by a grumbling sound that came from zhan's tummy. Zhan chuckled and looked down as he felt embarassed.

"You must be hungry, we are already driving for hours" he signalled him towards the back seat and Zhan gasped as he found many food packets and snacks and surprisingly all were his favourite.

"Wow you are too good yibo. You know me so well. I really lo-" he stopped and bite his tongue whereas yibo's hold on the steering wheel tightened.

"I mean I really adore you, my nice boss" he giggled and stuffed his mouth with food. Stretching his hands in front of yibo's lips, he asked him to open his mouth as he fed him by his hands. Though yibo tried to stop him but he was very stubborn, he didn't listen and feed him by his hands.

How can he let go of a golden chance!

They reached chongqing by evening and all of their friends with their now wives/husbands has already booked rooms and prepared other things beforehand.

Wang Yibo tried to protest as they booked a single room for him and xiao zhan. Like why should he stay with his employee? Their were many free rooms there!

"Aish yibo don't be a party pooper. The room has two beds already and Zhan is afraid of new places that's why!" Hao Xuan argued but smirked evilly.

"Whatever" yibo was not offended by Zhan staying with him in a same room, but it's just...Ahh he can't explain how he's feeling. He was neither happy nor sad rather a serene smile flashed on his face as they chose him to take care of the scared baby.

Xiao Zhan was muffling a laugh because him or scared of a new place! A person like him, who has travelled many places all alone for a whole fucking year was scared of new places, what a shitty excuse Hao xuan!

Everyone headed towards their rooms to get freshened up and sleep as they all were tired from the long travel.

Xiao Zhan and Wang yibo entered their room and washed up by turns before changing into night robes. As they both laid on their respective beds awkwardly, yibo's attention shifted to Zhan when he heard him smiling while watching something over his handset.

He cleared his throat and tried to sleep but he just couldn't. Cursing himself, he left his bed and crawled to Zhan's bed to accompany him. Zhan gasped but soon their awkwardness fade away and their giggles echoed in the room as they watched a funny anime together.

Xiao Zhan turned around and faced the now sleeping yibo. He with his fingers, touched yibo's face as softly as he could. His fingers trailed his cheeks and moved downwards to stop at his pouty lips. Xiao Zhan smiled and sealed the distance between their lips and kissed yibo very briefly. He very slowly moved his lips and pulled back quickly. Moving in again, he gave him a small peck on his cheeks and whispered "I love you yibo". Satisfied, he turned around and slept in few minutes.

Wang yibo, who was holding his breath exhaled and opened his eyes. He was surprised by zhan's actions. So xiao zhan has a crush over him!

"What are you doing to me?" Yibo whispered in a daze. A small smile can be seen on his face until he shifted on zhan's side and kept his hand on zhan waist carefully as to not wake him up. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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