34. The chaos

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Zhan was sitting at the floor in a corner next to the intensive care unit while rubbing his sweaty palms.

It felt so cold thinking about the world without him in it!

His eyes were red and swollen, his limbs were trembling badly while he was whimpering and sobbing in agony.

"G-go away, I said gooo awayyy... his face is giving me an extreme headache, leave ahh leave. I don't need him a-around me." Xiao zhan covered his mouth when he recalled yibo's painful words while he cried really hard. He wanted to scream loudly! It was hurting so much! It was difficult to even breathe!

How their life turned upside down in a day!

How his happiness turned into a stream of endless tears!

'I wish if I never met you'

'I wish if you never loved a man like me'

'I wish if you never come back'

He banged his head lightly against the wall while he bit his lips tightly until it drew out blood.

"Xiao zhan" Wang rong sat beside him and held his hands in his.

Xiao zhan didn't look at him but was sitting lifelessly. His white shirt was covered in yibo's dried blood, his forearms and wrists were badly bruised and he kept looking down with his tear stained tired face and swollen cheeks.

"I know how are you feeling zhanzhan. Give him sometime. He needs.."

"Who is xiao zhan here?" Few policemen who were investigating the matter came and asked about xiao zhan.

Wang rong and xiao zhan stood up and peered at the police officers totally confused.

"What happened sir. Here, he is my grandson too, is everything alright?" Wang Rong asked while supporting zhan's back.

"He is charged in an attempt to murder case." He turned towards xiao zhan and continued "You tried to kill Wang's youngest heir and your boyfriend Mr. Wang Yibo. You can't escape easily" the senior officer said before bowing to Wang rong and taking out the handcuffs.

"What? N-no it's can't be possible! You can't take him with you, I won't let you" Wang rong protested.

"I am sorry sir. Let us do our work. We have a non-bailable warrant against him. He almost killed your grandson, why are you protecting a criminal?"

"No there's must be some misunderstanding. Try to understand sir" Wang zhou arrived and tried to talk to police officers but no one was ready to listen.

"Judges will decide it. Please co-operate"

Xiao Zhan was handcuffed and he was about to be shoved inside the police van when Jacob came running there. He was crying helplessly. He told them again and again that zhan was innocent. There must be some misunderstanding but he didn't know what to do.

Yibo's grandpa and dad too came at the spot and tried to reason but the police officers were not ready to listen anything. Whereas xiao zhan was completely silent and his gaze was fixed at his empty ring finger. He slightly smiled and sat in the car without struggling or protesting.

Everyone pleaded Zhan to say something, to defend himself but he kept his mouth shut. He didn't even lift his head and just kept staring at his ring finger.

At that time Jiangs came there and saw Zhan inside the police car with handcuffs on. Jiang Cheng got out of the car and rushed towards the police to talk to them. Despite running fastly he couldn't reach there before the car drove away.

"What had happened here?" Completely shocked, Jiang fengmian asked Wang zhou.

"Xiao zhan was arrested in charge of murder attempt. They said he is responsible for yibo's condition" Wang zhou answered while sitting dejectedly on a bench.

"Wh-what? How is yibo?" Jiang Cheng asked.



While in the police station xiao zhan was sitting at a corner of the cell, with his head on his knees. He had dried up tears in his eyes, while they were still fixed at his ring finger.

Two other men were sitting in the cell who were laughing while talking about random stuffs. They whistled when saw a hot and handsome man like xiao zhan inside the cell. They tried to flirt with him but backed off when saw his deadly gaze.

Xiao Zhan was shifted to a private cell later as he was accused of a murder attempt.

He didn't know since how many hours he kept sitting like that, without even blinking.

He came back to the reality when someone entered the cell and hugged him tightly by the side.

"Xiao Zhan, brother" Jiang Cheng called him in a very soft voice. After endless beggings and pleadings, he was allowed to meet zhan for few minutes.

Xiao Zhan didn't look at him. His head was tilted towards the wall.

"Didi listen to me once"

"I know you didn't do it. Tell me what actually happened. Please let us help you." He begged and tried to convince him to tell him about what had happened with them but xiao zhan didn't broke his silence.

"He is fighting with death there. He is strong and you know that. Nothing will happen to him. You know right, he loves you so much. He is waiting for you zhan.."

After few minutes, he was told that his time was over. With a broken heart and teary eyes, he got up to leave but halted when listened zhan's words.

"Ge! I am reason that he is like this! I almost killed him! Don't protect me, let me be. I deserve all this!"

'And he is not going to wait for me..not anymore. I am not the part of his life anymore..' zhan muttered inside his head sadly.

Xiao Zhan said in a low and stern voice and turned his head away again. Jiang Cheng clenched his fists to stop his tears and left the cell.

"It would be fine seeing you all healthy and happy. Please be fine yibo. Please hold on because...I still need you, I need you to be alive for me to breathe". Xiao Zhan murmured and closed his eyes. A small, unrecognisable smile appeared on his lips when he thought about the day they became one.

The day they touched each other for the first time like there's no tomorrow. The day when, for the first time, he felt pleasure and happiness in pain. The day yibo came to him running and wiped his tears.

The day which is gone..

The day which will never come again...

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