1. Hate for Love

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' What exactly is love? Is it that important in one's life? Can't we live without a loved one, a person apart from our brother, sister, father or mother whom we choose to grow old with, with whom we vow to love and cherish each other till death do us apart? '

These were some questions that continuously lingers in zhan's head when someone talks about love to him. He is a 20-year-old boy and is going to study law at Beijing University soon. He wants to become a lawyer, because it's his dream to be one. He has never dated anyone in these 20 years and didn't even have any crush, weird right? Love is like a stupid and unnecessary thing in his life. He thinks that love can only bring dissatisfaction, betrayal, hurt and tears.

His thoughts and views on 'love' are so adamant and unalterable because he had witnessed the broken relationship of his once 'lovey-dovey' parents. To protect their dignity and reputation in society they decided not to part ways and not to divorce, they both continued to live together with their one and only child 'xiao zhan'. Zhan often saw them fighting over stupid and small matters which eventually lead them to realise that they don't love each other anymore. That childhood memory was the most sad and traumatic for him. But life and fate showed him something worse and tragic. Soon after his parents 'realisation' his mother passed away due to depression and overdosage of antidepressants, he was just an eight year old child back then when she left him alone. And if this was not enough for him his father too died a year after his mom's demise in a horrible accident due to his habit of drinking and driving. It seemed that his soul has already left him with his wife.

On that day zhan decided if this is love then he don't want any.

After that incident, he was adopted by the Jiangs who were their family friends and he was immediately accepted by the jiang siblings, jiang cheng and jiang yanli. He was loved and spoiled by his new parents and siblings so much that he seemed like an integral part of their family and indeed he was.

Jiang cheng, 22 years old is already studying business at the Beijing University. He has a girlfriend named Meng Ziyi in the arts department at the same University. He is going to introduce all his friends to zhan after he joins with them.

Yanli on the other hand is 25 year old, graduated and a beautiful girl and is already engaged to Cao Yu Chen who is a well-known businessman in China and they are going to marry soon.

Xiao Zhan at first didn't like the idea of his sister getting married to that arrogant brat but at last he gave in due to his parent's pressure and yanli's love towards that brat.

"Maybe everyone don't think like me. Almost everyone believes in love. Of course they would, because I am the one who saw three lives getting destroyed due to love and attachment. They don't know that they are wasting time on something useless." Zhan wrote in his diary before going to bed because today was the day on which his sister's wedding day has been decided and finalized.

" Aah.. I need to have a good sleep. Day after tomorrow my life is going to change. I can't believe I got admission in law department. I am just so excited and can't wait to join the university. Day after tomorrow will be my first step towards my goals and dreams. Xiao Zhan you have worked hard..well done" he said and patted his shoulders before mirror and went to sleep.

His family knows his indifferent thoughts on dating but they think that he is still naive and its maybe due to the trauma and painful experience of his childhood. They tried contacting a psychiatrist but it was not of much help as Zhan refused to co-operate and he is happy in his small and confined world.

"I hope someday someone would make you fall for them." Mr. Jiang sighs and caressed zhan's head who was sleeping soundly before leaving for his business trip.

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