19. I love you too

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"Don't leave me *sniff* don't talk to her *sob*" Zhan hugged him tightly and cried in his arms.

"Why?" Yibo asked in a very gentle voice while placing some wet, soft kisses on zhan's shoulder blade.

"Don't ask me why?" Zhan whined and whisper yelled. His head was buried in yibo's chest and he was embracing him tightly. Yibo chuckled and tried to remove his hands that were tightly wrapped around his waist. "No problem. I won't ask i understand. Let go zhan, i want to go outside" he removed zhan's hands and advanced towards the locked door. Zhan followed him hurriedly and stood in yibo's way.

"You are going to meet her right?"

"Zhan wha...and even if i am going to meet my ex-girlfriend then why are you offended?" Yibo raised his voice as he was feeling disappointed on zhan's behaviour. If he don't love him and only thinks of him as a friend then why does his actions hints something else? Yibo was feeling disturbed and confused. He just wanted some cool air but zhan was trying to get into the way.

Zhan's eyes glistened with tears and he sobbed again. Yibo felt guilty and apologized for raising his voice over him. After all zhan is the one he loves the most. How can he leave him in such state?

"Zhan baby I am sorry. I shouldn't have talked like that. Will you forgive me?"

Zhan didn't answer but cupped yibo's face. He closed his eyes and tiptoed to press his soft lips on yibo's. He ringed his arms around yibo's neck and tried to deepen the kiss but felt disappointed when latter didn't kiss him back. He pulled back and stared at yibo dubiously. "Yi..bo?" he called him in a shaky voice.

Yibo's eyes widened the moment he kissed him. He forgot to blink and thought that he was in a dream. His senses came back when zhan called him in a cracked voice, he cupped his cheeks and asked "Baby y..you".

"You don't want me anymore?" Zhan cut him in between and looked downwards while crying.

"No baby. I still love you and will always. I..I was just shocked. I thought ..it was a dream." He pulled Zhan by his waist and joined their moist lips together. They both licked and sucked each other's lips softly in a sync. Zhan was inexperienced but still he had some knowledge about such things. He sucked his upper lip while yibo sucked his lower lip, they both in a sync exchanged their positions and soon they parted their lips to taste each other's oral cavity. Their active tongue danced together and tried to push the other. They both pulled away and smiled at each other. Yibo picked him up and made him lie on the bed.

He sucked his earlobes and whispered in his ears "Your lips taste wonderful baby" Zhan blushed and kissed yibo's cheeks. "I love you yibo". Yibo smiled and his eyes filled up with transparent liquid. His cheeks got wet with tears and Zhan got worried. "Why are you crying yibo?"

"I..can't believe it. You are serious right?"

"Of course"

"Do you realise it due to my ex? I was not going to her anyway baby."

"No you remember the important thing I wanted to tell you about. So this is it. I love you yibo. I love you so much and i won't let you go to her anyway and yes I am possessive" zhan said proudly making yibo laugh a bit. He caressed his cheeks and leaned again to kiss zhan. He licked his neck, shoulders leaving few hickeys on the soft skin of his beloved. Zhan moaned with closed eyes and arched his back in pleasure. Yibo was about to remove zhan's sweater when Hao xuan's call disturbed them "come out you two. Let's have some fun bitches haha". Yibo rolled his eyes and snapped dramatically "Yeah yeah you successfully spoiled mine you chickenhead". He cut the call and kissed zhan's forehead making the latter smile and groan in satisfaction.

"Let's go baby. Everyone is waiting for us outside. Wear your coat, the wind is really chilly outside." Zhan hummed and hugged yibo tightly. Yibo chucked and ruffled his hairs. "I am so happy Zhan. You made me so happy baby. I love you"

"Hmm i love you too. Yibo i am sorry for breaking your heart. I.."

"Shhh you have mended it already and now let's go otherwise they will break the door"

"Hahaha okay"


They both came out hand in hand. Everyone gasped and were shocked at the sight. Yibo and zhan looked at each other while blushing and yibo cleared his throat before announcing "Guys we are Dating"

"Woahh that was so fast" Yubin and jiayng said covering their mouths in astonishment.

"Zhan are you sure?" cheng held zhan's hands and asked him worriedly.

"Omo finally.. I am so happy" ziyi exclaimed and danced happily. Everyone congratulated them and they thanked them for accepting their friends as a couple.

"Yes ge i am very sure. I love him truly" zhan smiled and squeezed Cheng's palm to assure him. Cheng patted his head and hugged him. "I am happy for you. Just remember whatever happens in future, always choose your heart okay?" Zhan got confused but nodded while shrugging the weird thoughts off.

"So guys let's eat, drink and dance tonight." Hao xuan and mingmei shouted and all of the them with most of the other students of the university joined them at the party. Everyone was enjoying their time with their friends and partners when yibo's ex girlfriend Mia joined their group and offered glasses of wine to them. She smirked and added something in one glass and served all of them including yibo. No one suspected her and drank while dancing or eating. Yibo brought mocktail drink for his boyfriend as zhan was not in a mood to drink.

Ziyi came and excused zhan for a second. "Zhan I am sorry but I called Mia here. I asked her help and she was ready to help me in making you jealous so that you realise your feelings for yibo. I am sorry Zhan but I hope you can forgive me. Actually, actually I didn't believe what she did, I saw her adding something in yibo's wine. Please take care of him and don't lose him even for a second. You know, you know it could be anything, maybe she is trying to drug yibo to get him back. I tried asking her but I can't due to Cheng and I can't tell him truth either." She blurted everything hurriedly and left since cheng already started looking for her.

"Oh no. I need to do something." He came back and took a drunk yibo back inside their room secretly away from mia's eyes.The party was about to end and no one would notice their absence since everyone was busy and hella drunk including his brother and friends.

"Yibo are you feeling something weird like hot or something? Tell me babe" Zhan helped him lay down and removed his coat and shoes.

"Yes zhan..i..i feel hot..hot for you!!"

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