5. Not a 'Date'

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Next day they all wake up enthusiastic as they all are going for a date with their boyfriends/girlfriends except for the two.
One is feeling nervous and elevated as this is going to be his first time hanging out with someone apart from his family. He was an introvert and was fond of his own company but today he is eager to try something new, to spend this beautiful day with a friend.
Another one was biting his nails since last night as he don't know the likes and dislikes of his new friend. He want to make the day special and enjoyable for both of them but he is not sure whether that bunny gonna enjoy his company or not. Obviously it's not his first time arranging a date, but this time it's different , this time it's for a guy, for a friend he barely knows, for a boy for whom he has not figured out his own feelings. "Aishhh..wait it's not a date"

Both of them jump out of their beds at the same time "Yes it's not a date"

"What are you even thinking you chickenhead yibo..it's not a date ,it's just a day-out with your new friend" yibo smacked his head before entering the bathroom for a long and warm shower.


After their classes they all left with their dates in cars, as cheng, xue yang and yubin brought their cars today.

"Let's go Zhan, they all have left already." Yibo grabbed zhan's hands.

"Okay but where and how are we going?"

"Uhh..about where are we going, let it be a surprise and we are going by my car." Yibo smiled and pointed at his glossy black mercedes.
They both headed towards yibo's car as everyone has already left. Yibo opened the door for zhan like a gentleman and after making sure that he was comfortable he jumped into the driver's place.

Yibo started the engine and soon they were on their way to the unknown destination. Both were shy to initiate any sort of conversation so yibo decided to take initiative and cleared his throat to gain the attention of the bunny peeking outside the window "umm..zhan I don't want you to be uncomfortable in anyway, so if you feel awkward or don't like anything, please let me know right away okay?"

"Yibo..I am feeling fine and really want to enjoy the day today and you don't have to worry, i know my ge's friends are all good, i trust you, i have no problem with keeping the place a surprise."

"Ohh that's a relief then."

The atmosphere became a little more comfortable and light and they both shared many things about themselves with each other, Zhan shared his dreams, likes - dislikes and hobbies while yibo told him about his successful business which he set up after his high school and he is a millionaire in just 2 years as he learnt the basics from his dad and brother, and he is no longer dependent on his family for money , he even owns his own mansion . Zhan was amazed by the young man before him and he was feeling more open with his shyness flew somewhere away.

"Yibo please play some songs."

"Uhh what would you like to listen?"

"Time boils with rain by Kris Wu"

"Ohh I like that song too. You have a good choice of songs"

"Thank-you bobo" yibo chuckled and played the song.

After an hour of driving, they reach at front of a big building.

"We are here zhan"


"Let's go inside"

"Uhh..okay" 'why are we here, what's this place' zhan questioned in his mind and followed yibo like a small puppy.
Zhan was confused as he entered the building, it was really huge and seemed really technical, beautiful and expensive with dim blue lights everywhere. "Excuse me I called yesterday for a booking by the name Wang Yibo." Yibo talked with a man who seemed like the manager of the place.

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