4. The Lunchmeet

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At lunchtime, they all meet at front of cafeteria after the first half of their long boring lectures and heads inside to have lunch. Zhan was enjoying his first day but he was tired due to all orientation and lectures he had to attend.

They all bought their foods from the counter and sat on chairs at a cornerside table where one could see the big buildings/ departments and a park inside the university premises through the big glass window. The table was a round one and was big enough to accomodate their group.

Jiang cheng sat beside meng ziyi, beside ziyi , xue yang with song ji yang, then yubin with a beautiful girl whom zhan saw for the first time today and he himself sat between Wang yibo and Jiang cheng.

"Zhan she is my girlfriend 'mingmei' about whom i told you in the morning. She is also in arts department with ziyi, and mingmei he is zhan, Cheng's brother and our new buddy." Yubin introduced his girlfriend when he saw zhan's confused face.

They both greeted each other and laughs and loud prattling could be heard on their table as they were joking and chatting with each other.

"Guys I am really hungry. Let's start eating." Ziyi whined eyeing and drooling over the chicken nuggets on her tray.

"Yes please i can hear my tummy grumbling" mingmei added and they all dig into their foods.

The weather suddenly turned cool as it started raining and zhan could feel his bones freezing. He started rubbing his palms together below the table to warm himself as he was sensitive to weather changes. It didn't go unnoticed by yibo as everyone was busy with their partners but yibo was busy eyeing zhan from his peripheral view every now and then. He swept his palm on zhan's and compresed it slightly which startled the latter for a moment.

"Uhh..if you keep rubbing your palms like this then how would you eat. Let me warm it up for you while you can continue eating. This way we both would be able to eat as i am feeling cold too. What you say?" Yibo whispered so that only zhan could hear him, but the fun fact was that even if he had said it loudly no one would have cared as everyone was busy helping their lovers.

Zhan was shocked as yibo held his hand. He was not even sure if he would befriend him and now he is caring for him. He nodded and whispered thank-you hearing which yibo guided their interlaced hands in the pocket of his jacket.

"Now only two people are remaining single in our group." xue yang chimed in turning all the attention to himself.

" How come only two it should be 4 ,or two of jiyang, yibo and you are Dating?" Zhan asked with a confused face clutching yibo's palm inside his pocket. He don't know why but he didn't want yibo to be committed as they were holding hands too and it won't be a right thing then.

" Yes, I am dating and this beautiful and sweet baby boy beside me is my lifeline" He smiled towards Jiyang and pecked his cheeks lovingly.

zhan narrowed his eyes towards Jiyang " Oh my God, how come you didn't tell me earlier jiyang?"

"Err..i wanted to surprise you" jiyang scratched the nape of his neck.

" So it means yibo and i are only single souls here." Zhan laughed and actually he doesn't want any relationship because he is happy being single and according to him this is the only reason for his cheerful and peaceful life.

"And you two would make a nice couple" Wang yibo coughed furiously on xue yang's statement and zhan felt yibo's palms turning sweaty.

"No xue yang..err...I mean ...I am straight." wang yibo said while having water from one hand.

"And I am straight too." zhan added with a stern face and sharp look.

'Pang' yibo felt a pang in his heart hearing Zhan.
'Please heart what are you doing to me. He is a guy for God sake. Okay I understand he is attractive but please behave normally and he said he is straight so don't make it difficult for us' yibo tried to control and console his poor heart.

After a moment of silence everyone bursted into a loud laughter.

"Tomorrow we are having only one class guys. What are your plans?" Jiang Cheng questioned.

"Me and xue yang planned to enjoy the day at seashore and then we would have a dinner date at our favourite restaurant. We gonna spend the day together." Song Jiyang answered and continued stuffing his mouth.

"Wow. Baby let's go on a movie date? I really want to go. " Ziyi tried to convince cheng with her puppy eyes which melted her boyfriend like a butter. " Okay baby whatever you say".

"Babe let's go on a long drive tomorrow? We will visit your grandma too? I miss her cakes and talks a lot." Mingmei asked yubin of which he nodded with a "Mn"

By listening their plans zhan pouted sadly and started playing with his chopsticks.

"Wait a minute you meanies. We all decided to go on a date and what about the two of them?"
Ziyi pouted while looking at the two single members sadly.

"So let's go together somewhere then?" Cheng suggested.

"No guys, no need to do this for us please. I would take zhan out if he would like to go with me" yibo said and raised an eyebrow towards zhan while scratching his palm.

"Yes..yes yibo , I am willing. Let's go but where?" zhan giggled

"You will get to know it tomorrow bunny boy. Trust me we will have fun. " Yibo answered with a cute smile.

"Mn yibo"

"Yibo please take care of him. He is a troublemaker." Cheng teased zhan but he actually wanted to tell yibo to take care of his naive didi.

"Eh..Cheng please be nice..don't embarras me, I am not a troublemaker." Zhan whined.

It stopped raining soon, and the weather returned back to normal too but the two men were not willing to unwind their hands. They didn't even realised this and were enjoying each other's warmth.

'I can't wait for tomorrow' Zhan exclaimed in his mind happily and continued eating.

'I can't wait for tomorrow bunny' Yibo said in his mind too and smiled at the bunny boy.

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