9. Acceptance

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Yibo pov

Ahh today's so boring again. It's already been three days my bunny is busy with his group presentation, we haven't had lunch together these days and these couples make me so jealous, i too want my baby by my side, ahh i feel so cold without him. He just meets me in the morning to say hi and stay late with his group and then just calls me once in a day and we text each other at night. Yeah after that day it has become our routine to talk at night and I just love it. He tells me about his whole day, and how much he is tired and how much he missed me and I too whine about how much I miss to see him, talk to him and hug my soft bunny.

Today i have decided to tell my friends about my feelings for zhan. That day when i made him cry was the day i realised my love for him. I can't see him sad, of course his tears broke my heart into thousand pieces. The way he pouts, the way he whines, the way he smiles and laughs, the way he looks at me, the way he blushes....uhh..i mean i just love him so much. So I hope my friends, especially Cheng supports my decision and respect my feelings for him.

I waited for the lunchtime and we all like always met inside the cafeteria "uhh i haven't apologised for my behaviour that day, i am so sorry for yelling at you, that was a misunderstanding guys."

Ziyi and others smiled and assured me that they forgot that a long ago and it was their mistake too. So I need not to bother about it...I got so nice friends, they understand me very well...I really love these people.

"I want to share something important with you"

"Ahh..finally you got a girlfriend or you lost your virginity?" Hao xuan said earning a smack from jiyang . Ahh ..can't these people listen quietly and behave like a human in serious situations.

"Don't mind him yibo..please continue" ziyi glared at Hao xuan.

"I am in love with Xiao Zhan" I gathered my courage and confessed.

"WHAT" they all shouted loudly together drawing the attention of all the people in the cafeteria.
Suddenly Cheng spitted his cold drink on the table spoiling his food and I swear i am not going to touch my food too, who knows upto where his spit has scattered.

"What are you saying bo..is it a prank?" Yubin enquired. "Of course not, I really love him and I want your support" I said confidently.

"Bobo have you changed your sexuality as you used to date girls only, rejecting all the boys who have proposed you?" song Jiyang asked. "I don't know jiyang. I only love him, i only want him. I will not be able to love anyone else be it another boy or girl. The way he makes my heart beat crazily and makes me forget everything else, no one would be able to do it. If it implies that I am a gay then yes I am. I am zhansexual."

"Wow bobo I was sure you both gonna fall for each other, you actually looks really good together" mingmei said which made my lips turn into a wide smile. "Thank-you Ming"

"What about Zhan. Does he know about this?" Ziyi asked. "No ziyi he doesn't. I haven't confessed yet. I don't know if he likes me or not" I muttered sadly. "Eh yibo of course he does, haven't you notice him always smiling when you are around, he feels so comfortable and happy around you, obviously he likes you back" Xuan cheered me up which actually consoled me.

"Yibo" Cheng whispered

"Yes Cheng"

"You know what you are saying"

"Yeah I know and I am serious"

"You are not playing around right?" He raised his eyebrow at me which made me lose the one percent control left in me.

"I AM SERIOUS. I AM MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOUR BROTHER AND I WILL GET HIM AT ANY COST." I said every word heavily as he was judging my feelings for zhan.

"But yibo you don't know anything about him. You.."

"Cheng please I love him and I am gonna confess soon. Please support me, I really love him" tears filled up in my eyes as I don't want to fight with my own friend over this who is like my brother.

"No bo i know you love him and won't hurt him too but I actually....leave it...i support you..just make sure to propose him soon and just show and pour your whole feelings, best of luck" I felt really happy as Cheng actually accepted my love for his brother. "Thank-you , thank-you so much guys ..I am really lucky to have you all" I happily took the cold drink bathed nugget from Cheng's tray and stuffed it in his mouth.

"You....wait you punk" Cheng challenged me and I ran fastly before he could catch me.

End of pov

Cheng's pov

I felt really shocked on yibo's confession, actually i was expecting this, i have already noticed the way yibo cares for my brother and my instincts proved right that zhan means more than a friend to him. Actually i accept and understand yibo's feelings, cuz he is not a person who takes illogical decisions or play around. Of course I know, he is like a brother to me. But I really like to tease him as it brings some expressions on his poker face. The actual problem lies with zhan. I don't know what does he feels for yibo and I will never ever allow him to do something against his will or allow yibo to throw himself on my innocent brother. Zhan is more like a child to me, I know how much he is scared of these words called 'feelings' and 'love'. I really want him to be happy too, and maybe, maybe he too feels passionate for yibo but i am scared he won't accept his feelings easily and we can't blame him right?, whatever has happened in his past in his childhood has left a deep impression in his heart, I just want everything to go smoothly. If he do feels something for yibo, trust me i will be the happiest person in the world and if he don't then I will protect him always and won't allow anyone to hurt or blame him in anyway.


Little bunny🐰
We finally completed our project today


Wow congratulations zhanzhan ...so are you free tomorrow?

Little bunny🐰


I wanna take you somewhere, I want to tell you something very important

Little bunny🐰
Woah okay..


Then come meet me in the library tomorrow after classes.

Little bunny🐰

Yibo was determined to confess his feelings to his important person as he can't keep them in his heart anymore. He will surely tell zhan how much he means to him and he will make sure that his little bunny remains his only.

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