80-{Y/N} found by hogwarts staff

Start from the beginning

confused, he leans down and looks you up and down. you have a lot of bruises on your body, and your clothes seem to be covered in blood and dirt, and true, your left foot is shoeless, white sock completly drenched through and through with blood.

"{Y/N} get up" he starts nudging your body with his staff, guessing you were drunk after a night party, passed out.

multipule times have you came to class, acompanied by fred and george, hung over and tired, swaying, and still drunk.

but you dont move at all, still lying blacked out on the ground. be moves his staff and nudges your head with it, pushing you with it. instead of waking up with a gasp and a laugh, you simply fall from the tree bark and onto the ground. still blacked out.

with a little tug on his lips and his eyes widening, he whips his wand out and casts a simple wingardium leviosa on your body, lifting you up and starts walking out of the forest with his staff in one hand, a body of a blacked out girl is floating behind him as he takes to the castle, straight to the hospital wing.


"oh my, oh my, alastor! what are you doing?!" madam pomfrey yells, speedwalking over as she sees him entering the hall with a literal body floating behind him, "put her down!" she calls, hitting his shoulder.

"oh relax, she aint with us" he says. the nurse falls silent, covering her mouth with a small gasp. moody rolls his eye. "shes blacked out, is what i mean" he says, slowly, carefully, lowering you to the bed.

"what happened?" she asks, rushing to the side of the bed and pressing ger hand to your forehead.

"just found her in the forest like that" moody shrugs his shoulders, his magic eye rolling around.

theres a short silence as the nurse opens your eye with her thumbs, your eye is rolling up and closing back, your pulse weak and your body full of bruises.

sudennly, the woman gasps, and drops your arm. "moody" she lets out, shakily, "go call the headmaster. immediatly"

confused, the professor gets up from the chair and walks over to look at what shes seeing.

she had stripped the shirt from you, and now, on your left arm, was a long tattoo looking snake. it went all around your arm, from your shoulder and the head at the back of your palm. it was all bloody, as if it was scracthed into your skin mercilasly.


dumbeldore steps into the room, snape following behind him. they dash quickly over to the bed where pomfrey was standing, and dumbledore gently pushed her aside to stand beside you.

he looks over your bruised face, body, and finally, the arm. the arm with a snake tattoo circling around it, and its moving, wiggling on your arm gently.

"where did you find her?" albus asks, turning to moody. "at the forest behind hagrids hut. figures whoever did this-" he jerks his head towards the bed, "meant for her to be found back there" he ends, clearing his throat.

albus nods and hums, taking your hand and lifting it up to watch the snake move on your arm.

"reckon this was done by-" "death eaters" albus finishs, nodding and setting your arm down gently, giving snape a side glance.

snape sometimes doesnt fully listen in the death eaters meetings. its so tiring, but he doubt he missed something like this.

"what was she even doing out of the school?" poppy asks, her voice distressed.

"its {Y/N}" moody sighs, "shes probably out more nights then shes in" he smirks, almost proud.

"but what did she do that this" snape mutters, "is the result" he looks down at your arm, his eyebrows furrowed.

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