69-snape x reader [drabble]

Start from the beginning

he looks down at the clothes, and he notices that the shoes look like the plain black shoes that hogwarts students are required to wear, but this dress doesnt look like it belongs to a student...

who was here? what happened to them? where are they now?

confused, he walks around the tree and looks around, despretly looking for the owner of the clothes.

"whos here?!" he calls, squinting his eyes. "come out and show yourself!"

but theres nothing but his echo that rummbles through the forest.

he keeps his wand out as he looks around, as silently as he can, because if he wasnt, he would have never heard the small russtle of leaves.

he turns towards the rustle, and squints his eyes, looking carefully, and he hears it again. he extands his wand a little more in hopes of finally seeing what causes the rustling.

you can say that hes quite surprised when he finally finds it. a little orange fox is standing on the ground, looking up at snape with those gentle {E/C} eyes.

his eyes widen and he cocks his head to the side. "{Y/N}" he breaths out a whisper.

the fox sniffs, and starts to take cautious slow steps towards the black haired man.

snape lowers his wand and tucks it into his robe, watching as you take slow steps closer to him.

he leans down and gets to his knees, and reachs out his hand, watching as the fox comes closer and immediatly nuzzled her little head to his hand, closing her eyes.

severus was actually smiling now, watching as you come closer and put your front paws on his body, and your little fox nose is sniffing at his chest.

he pets down your back, feeling the soft fur between his fingers, and then rubs up your ears.

"ive missed you" he says lowly and slowly, putting his hand under you and lifting you up while he sits down more comfortably and sets you on his legs.

immediatly, you start to circle around in his thighs, jumping around.

"are these your clothes?" he asks as he sees you nuzzling into the dress, trying to get into it. he doesnt recieve an answer, but he assumes it is.

you come out of the clothes and start to run around snape, your tail brushs up against him. how cute. snape almost chuckles, and starts to tease you, trying to grab you and your tail, but he cant actually grab you.

finally, you stop and stand infront of him, your paws on his thigh and you move your little nose around his neck and chest.

then, you get off of him and turn around to the lake and turn your head. snape furrows his brows at you, and you nudge your head towards the lake again.

not sure what to do, snape just sits there and watchs as you jump and run over to the water.

his eyes widen slightly as your paws touch the cold water, but you dont stop and keep walking, and slowly, he sees as you regain your posture and your fur dissapears, and you keep on your walking into the water.

he watchs as your back straightens, and finally, you turn around, your whole body under the water, only your head poking out, your hair lying in the water and coats your shoulders.

severus immediatly gets up and speed walks over to the water, but stops himself before he gets into it with you. nude.

he leans over a rock, and looks down at you, both his eyebrows raised.

slowly, you raise your own head up and there it is. a gentle beaming smile, rosy cheeks and gleaming eyes looking up at him.

"mr snape..." you let out, for the first time not calling him professor. theres a circle of movement around you in the water, and he can see your hands moving around in the water, doing his best not to look too much at you.

"still dont know how to transform with your clothes on?" he smirks down at you, watching you giggle.

"sorry... i really tried but i still wasnt succesful" you giggle, and take a deep breath. "its nice seeing you again" you offer with a gentle smile.

"you can call me severus {Y/N}, im not your teacher anymore" he says, giving you a nod.

"thank you severus" you smile up at him.

"you havent been here for a very long time severus..." you whisper, pushing a bit of your wet hair behind your ear. severus can see your lips are red, and your cheeks are becoming a little pale. the water must be so cold.

"and you would know..." he muses away, raising his eyebrow.

"i-i have been coming here a lot the last two... three months..." you whisper, pursing your lips together and looking away.

"i wanted to see you more... since... well i graduated and it wouldnt be weird if we were together... i mean- together as in publically- i mean-" you shake your head and dunk your head under the water and screaming.

severus waits patiantly on the surface for you to stop being embarrassed and come out so he can tell you he understood.

you come up and give a little cough, "im sorry, i just mean tha-" "i know what you meant" he says, stopping you.

"i appreciate it a lot" he says lowly, watching your eyes run around, your cheeks reddening and your teeth nibbling your lip.

"i-i just really... i miss you" you confess, looking up at him, "ive been thinking about you a lot because i really liked you, i mean, i still do... and i just wanted to see you again" you let out, and huff, almost pouting so cutly.

"still having trouble with explanations i see" he smirks. he doesnt need to day much, but hes still managing to make you all flustered.

in response, you move and raising both your hands, you splash water out and onto the professor.

his whole robe is drenched in water, and he looks at you angrily through his eyebrows. but you only giggle, covering your mouth with your hands.

"thats what get for making fun of me" you say, showing him your tounge.

you wait for his next move, and when he opens his robe and pulls it down onto the rock youre quite shocked, for the first time ever seeing whats under his robe.

still, its just his black button up and black pants, but youre surprised-in a good way-as he unbuttons his shirt and pulls it off, exposing his pale chest, a few scars on his torso.

he then proceedes to pull of his black pants, and even though hes in rather long and covering black boxers, youre still blushing.

he goes ahead and starts entering into the cold water up to his collar bone, the tips of his hair are already wet.

"calm down your smile {Y/N}, dont hurt yourself" he smirks, offering you his hand.

with a shy smile, you get closer to him and take his hand.

he takes a few more steps into the water until hes up to his neck in the cold water, and he can feel that youre not touching the ground anymore,

so in response, you raise both your arms and wrap them around his shoulder, hugging him.

surprised pleasently, he wraps both arms around your waist carefully, and closes his eyes, and smiles.


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yours, the red demon♧

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