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Third person pov

"Eat," Taehyung said firmly, nudging Jungkook on his shoulder. The elder gulped, biting his lips as he forced his hands to move and grab the spoon.

Jungkook's heart was thudding against his chest from the time he had woken up.

Two days were left to the ending of this year.

They were going to execute the most important part of their plan today. They had to bring the omegas from the mansion and take them to a club or somewhere to get them rid of their virginity. 

That was what they all thought. That was what Taehyung told them. 

What everyone except Taehyung didn't know was that the strangers from some club weren't the ones who will do the thing.

It couldn't be so. Anywhere they went, they would find puppets of the head alpha. In such a situation... taking them to a club? No way.

He couldn't ignore the fact that in the past, Jungho had gotten to know that he had left Jungkook's house after some warrior spot him in the club with Jungkook.

The rest of them had forgotten it. He hadn't. He couldn't even if he wanted to because that day was the reason he was almost beaten to death by Jungho. 

Actually, the reason he suffered that day wasn't him going to the club but the demon wolf himself. 

And everyone here was only focusing on ending Jungho. 

None of them cared if anything happened to the omegas. All of them had their own priorities when they did their part of the work for his plan.

Jungkook's and Jimin's main focus was Taehyung's safety.

Hoseok and Yoongi only cared about each other.

Namjoon and Jin were worried about the plan backfiring because it would affect their livelihood immensely as they would be seen as "rats" by the demon wolf.

They weren't being selfish at all. It was just that, with all the things that were going on, they couldn't concentrate on everything together. Moreover, they didn't know the pains of the omegas slaves so all they could do was feel sympathy, not put themselves in their shoes. 

But the safety of the omegas, his noonas, meant the whole world to Taehyung. This was also one of the reasons he was trying so desperately to do something within this year.

He didn't want anything to happen to them.

He had to keep a secret until this evening. He'll reveal it to his hyungs only after that, as he knew that they would instantly reject what he was going to ask them to do if he requested them now.

"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook asks, pecking his lips to earn his attention. His warm and nervous gaze made Taehyung's heart melt.

"Nothing. Just thinking about how much I love you."

A proud look spread Jungkook's face as he nodded, smirking softly, trying to avoid the nerve-wracking situation. He was worried about today too. As mentioned before, he didn't want anything happening to his mate. 

Taehyung slapped his hand which was making its way downwards to his hip.

 "We have a lot of work to do so eat first and come to help me," he said, getting up walking away from the groaning trueblood.

Taehyung still felt no hesitancy.

He had managed to make Jungkook determined to succeed too and had removed fear from his heart.

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