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Third person pov

Okay, let's do this.

Jungkook tells himself, doing a few small jumps as he tried to control his excitement.

It had been a few days since Taehyung had started living here, in his home.

 Jungkook was really gleeful to have him near, but as expected, Taehyung was always depressed, ignorant towards him and acted like he didn't care for him. 

the trueblood made food himself every day, and when he thought that the food was made well.

He would sweetly ask Taehyung how it was. He would get just a careless shrug as a reply but wasn't complaining.

Most of the time, he stayed away from the omega because he didn't want to annoy him. Though, his world seemed to revolve around him because he would go around looking for the omega every five minutes. 

Taehyung was getting better, not just physically but emotionally too, it could be noticed.

He stopped flinching and shrieking whenever the trueblood went closer to him and stopped wailing on thinking back to the incident that took place that day. 

He still easily lost his cool but day by day he was getting calmer and snapped less at everything the elder did. 

Just like that one night, when Jungkook, after having enough of the uncomfortable couch, had sneakily laid down on one corner of Taehyung's bed. He knew Taehyung was awake, and he was all ready to get yelled at by him but the yelling never came. 

He didn't know whether the lack of reaction was because Taehyung decided to ignore him or because he was too tired to yell at him, but he didn't care about that.

 All that mattered then was the fact that he could sleep in the same bed as the omega.

He felt like the happiest man then for being able to sleep so close to Taehyung who kept his back facing him the whole night. 

It wasn't a one-night thing, not at all. Jungkook has been sleeping on the same edge of the bed every day after that.   

 Sometimes, after he thought and assumed that Taehyung had fallen asleep, he had even stroked his hair and hummed softly to his sleeping form. 

Taehyung had felt those touches in his half-conscious state and heard the melodious sound of his. It calmed him terribly and made him want to just give up on sleeping so he could enjoy the beautiful moment. 

Yes, Taehyung wasn't scared of having skin contact with him anymore but would always snap at Jungkook when the elder tried to touch him when he is awake. 

Jungkook's greatest achievement until now was getting to intervene his pinky with Taehyung's or stroking his hair to put him to sleep at night.

 All this warmed the trueblood's heart to the same extent to annoyed Taehyung.   

And it annoyed the omega to a huge extent. Those soft and sweet touches which he strived to feel in his childhood was annoying him now.  

Why? Because those dumb and overwhelming tingles, he felt made him want more, more than just these small touches. 

It bothered him because it comforted him, it warmed his heart. 

He wanted to feel good, happy and comforted but it irked him because it was only Jungkook who could possibly make him feel all that because he was refusing to meet anyone else. 

How pathetic was he to enjoy these touches given to him by this man who has only troubled him in the past? It was all so frustrating for him. 

But Jungkook was oblivious to the fact that Taehyung actually enjoyed these touches. He had concluded that all of this only nauseated the omega. 

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