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Third person pov

"What?!" Jungho yells, shocked. He couldn't believe whatever was being told to him

"Yes, alpha. We found a person who can tell you how to save yourself. We found her house deep inside the forest, near the border. She had many books with her. From among them, we found this book," the warrior says, placing an old book which had a dirty brown colour.

Jungho grabs a tissue quickly and coughs on it. He felt the metallic taste of blood in his tongue.

He looked down to examine the tissue and saw the now deep red colour spreading in the white tissue.

It was a symptom of his weak heart and the wolf that was killing itself so that he could reunite with his mate after death.

But he didn't want to die.

He wanted to live, and he can go to any limits for not dying.

It has been two years since his mate died, and now if he didn't do anything to save himself then he would also die within few months.

In the past two years, the warriors have tried every single thing they could do to find some information about making a person immortal. Now they finally found what they needed.

"Here alpha, this book will tell you everything about it. We even brought the old woman who owns the book with us."

"Bring her here," he orders and the warrior nods his head, leaving the room to order the woman to come in.

Jungho sees the old, pale-skinned woman enter the room.

"Tell me, how can I save myself?" he asks her, his voice demanding and harsh, radiating dominance.

The woman smiles and says, "Why would I tell you such a thing?"

Jungho growled at her, annoyed. He stood up, towering her smaller body. He reached his hand out and held the handle of his dagger.

"Don't dare speak to me like that. I won't hesitate to take your life," he growled, eyes turning a deep red.

The woman just laughs at that, not feeling even a little fear of his threat.

"Not everyone is like you Jungho, not everyone is afraid of dying."

A loud growl erupted in the room. The alpha started releasing angry pheromones, glaring at the woman with sharp eyes, fist and jaw clenched.

The warriors immediately pushed the old woman to her knees forcefully making her submit.

"I'm not afraid of anything!" Jungho yells at her.

The old woman just snickers. Jungho held the shining silver dagger against her neck.

"Speak," he orders. He could get the information from the book but he didn't want to do that now. He wanted to assert his dominance over the woman and let her know that he could make her do what he wants.

He wanted her to know that nobody could behave in this way to him. He was higher in rank than her, much stronger too.

The woman looks up, shaking her head in helplessness before saying, "Demon wolf. You have to convert yourself into a demon wolf, giving up every emotion related to love from your heart."

Jungho's eyes twinkled when he heard the words. An evil smirk formed on his lips when he understood what exactly she meant.

"A demon wolf, huh? How am I supposed to do that?"

"You need to offer the demon something so he can be pleased and give you the powers to be a demon wolf."

Jungho, who had got enough information from her, kicked her leg harshly. She groaned and winced in pain which spread her knees.

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