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Third person pov

Jungkook stared at the lighted room of the mansion from inside his car.

He had a sad expression on his face as he greedily took in deep breaths, desperate to smell the familiar lavender-cherry scent.

The smell was very faint because he had parked his car a few meters away from the mansion so that Taehyung couldn't smell him and get to know that he is here.

He had started coming here on a daily basis now, and it was only because he didn't like going back home and not having the omega's scent overpower his senses.

He was crestfallen whenever he heard faint cries and sobs of the younger who was in pain, missing his mom.

He knew Jimin was there to calm him down, but he wanted to be the one who would calm Taehyung.

Because he just couldn't make his distressed heart understand that Taehyung was fine.

He felt so empty without him, his heart had unconsciously gotten so addicted to the younger's presence over time that it was almost impossible for him to stay away now.

His house was just a building now as the source which made it a house--where a family lives--had left.

His throat would clog up whenever he wakes up and not find the younger.

He rarely ate food because nothing could give him satisfaction. It wasn't Taehyung who was making the food after all.

He missed the boxy smile and the innocent face of his. He missed the soft greetings which Taehyung always gave whenever he saw him.

He missed the heavenly laughs and giggles of his.

He missed him.

It was getting so difficult for him to not go into Jimin's house and fall on his knees before the omega to beg him to come back home.

He slumped in the car seat, frustrated tears brimming in his eyes.

It wasn't only Jungkook who was suffering, Hayoon was suffering without her mom too.

She needed him near herself, but whenever her daddy told her that Taehyung had gone back home to meet his mom, she would become quiet, as the memory of her mom crying to her and telling her that he missed his mom came to her mind.

She missed him oh, so much. She was scared that he will not come back to her again.

She didn't want to stay away from her mom. Her first mom had left her, she didn't want Taehyung to leave her now.

She was getting desperate to meet him and had made her father promise her something that morning.

It was to take her to Taehyung so she could meet him. In that way, Taehyung wouldn't have to stay away from his mother, and she could also meet him.

Jungkook drove away after he had inhaled enough of the scent of lavenders and cherry to keep him sane for a few hours, until the next morning.

He would come again in the morning, like everyday, to smell the scent which was the only thing keeping him sane.

He wondered if Taehyung also thought about him and missed him like he does.

He was sure Taehyung didn't.


"Pup, stop crying," Jimin shushed him, feeling helpless and sad because all Taehyung has been doing in the past days is crying.

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