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Third person pov

Hayoon wanted to cheer her mother up and so she suggested the idea of making cupcakes.

Taehyung could never do anything to wipe her smile off her face so he agreed to do whatever would make her smile.

Even though he wasn't in the mood for cupcakes-he made some for Hayoon's happiness. He giggled slightly when the girl twirled around while singing some song.

She had told him to go back home but he couldn't do that.

Jungho had sent him here, so he couldn't go away unless he was ordered to do so.

He didn't want to leave anyway. Not because he wanted to stay close to Jungkook but because he needed Hayoon close to himself.

If he left, he wouldn't be able to meet her. He didn't have any right over her too so he couldn't even request Jungkook to bring her to him.

So he will stay. For Hayoon.

He brought the cupcakes out of the microwave and placed in on the table.

He rubbed his swollen, red eyes and thought about making Hayoon happier by sticking candles on the cupcake and making her blow the flame off after burning it.

He had loved doing that in his childhood, would always squeal when his mom brought a cake to his room on his birthday with beautiful burning candles on it.

He smiled as he thought about the memory, missing his mother more than ever.

He made his way to his room, Hayoon right behind him, following him everywhere like always.

He got out a few candles and matches from the cabinet before smiling down at the confused girl.

"What is that, mommy?"

Taehyung crouched down and pecked the crown of her head

"These are candles, my pup. I'll burn them and you can blow the flame off, alright?"

Taehyung missed the way the girl tilted her head, confused like she hadn't ever seen candles before.

He held her hand and walked back downstairs, smile not leaving his face as he sees her skip while making tiny sounds.

He made her sit down on a chair, before putting the candle on the cupcake. He stroke a match on the box and used it to light the candle, all the while staring deep into Hayoon's face.

The child's face fell. Her cheerful actions stopped.

Taehyung saw as the emotion in her face changed from happy to scared. Her eyebrows furrowing and eyes widening slightly. She didn't break her scared eyes off the orange flame which emitted from the candle.

"Hayoon?" Taehyung calls her, concerned.

He frowned when he heard Hayoon gasped, rather in fear than happiness. He looked at her horrified face as she stared at the candle. Tears welled in her eyes and now Taehyung was scared out of his mind.

He held her shoulder to earn her attention but she didn't look at him, even when he shook her.

"Hayoon?!" he yelled, his face twisted in worry and concern. Hayoon wasn't breathing properly now. Tears rolled down her rosy cheeks, body shaking.

She looked so scared, so terrified, Taehyung had never seen her like this before.

He had always seen her smile and laugh but now she was crying and shaking in fear.

"Baby, look at me! What's wrong?!" Taehyung asked, picking her into his arms. She started thrashing around in his hold, making him gasp.

"No! no! no! p-please!" she screamed, now sobbing while clutching his shirt.

Enthralled Me || tkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें