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Third person pov

Five weeks had passed, everyday feeling just like previous ones for Taehyung.

The omega had degraded himself so much that he couldn't think of himself as a human anymore. He thought of himself as dirt and was disgusted of himself.

He always thought that his scent and body was so disgusting and horrible which made him unlovable.

He busied himself in work all day so he doesn't get time to think about anything, so that he doesn't think about killing himself and getting the world rid of his burden, but at night, he had to face all of it.

He was this close to going to the kitchen and bringing a knife to cut himself one night but he stopped himself from doing so.

He wanted to end it all but he stood strong.

He wouldn't kill himself. He just couldn't do that because his mom didn't go through all the problems in her life to raise him just so he can end his life halfway through.

Jimin had spend so much time on him, trying to help him out with his situation; he didn't want his only friend to feel like he had failed as a friend.

He just wanted someone to hug him and make him feel that things will get better, even if it won't. He wanted assurance that he was also someone who could be looked at with adoring eyes and a smile.

Both, Taehyung and Venus were breaking. Completely.

"Y-you're bringing her here?"

Taehyung heard Jungkook's voice which was grim, serious and somewhat anxious.

He frowned as he couldn't understand what was being spoken about. Jungkook was speaking to someone on phone, and he couldn't hear what the other person was saying.

"Yes, you can bring her here for a while, I guess. I'm sure she misses me," his voice was suddenly sad and almost disappointed in himself. 

Taehyung peeked from behind the wall to find the elder smiling sadly while looking down at his lap.

"Okay. Today evening," was the last thing he said before he cut the call, leaving a very confused Taehyung and a Jungkook who looked close to crying.


Taehyung was waiting for the arrival of the person who Jungkook was speaking about. He could clearly sense the elder's mild excitement and anxiousness too.

Jungkook hadn't told him anything about the guest and hadn't given any orders about what he was supposed to act like how he was supposed to behave, in a formal or informal way, and what  he should cook.

Is the person going to live with us? He thinks as while sitting on a chair and eating dinner. Yes, eating dinner which was proper food and not just leftovers.

He was just following yet another order of Jungkook which was to eat all three meals of a day. It was told to him a few days after his ankle had broken been broken.

Jungkook told it to him warningly; he had sounded worried.

It had made Taehyung feel like Jungkook cared for him but he was sure that the ravenette would again do something in the future to break his heart, so it was of no use to think that the older was genuinely worried for his health.

But if anyone who knew Jungkook well was told that he had told someone to eat properly to remain healthy, they wouldn't believe it. 

He stared at Jungkook who was pacing around the living room.

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