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Third person pov

Jungkook stared at the old looking building in front of him.

He knew it was Taehyung's as he could smell the faint scent of lavender and cherry which his heart has grown to love.

He was hesitant to knock on the door as he was scared to face the blond.

His heart sank because he realized that he had also kept the omega away from his family for so long. He even mentally harassed him.

I used to get so angry when Hayoon was hurt when she was in his responsibility.

How could I forget that my wolf had been hurting him in a much worse way? If someone behaved to my daughter like the way I did to Taehyung, I would kill them right away.

I forgot that even Taehyung was someone's family, someone's son.

I've been so selfish all the time. Even me coming here is such a selfish thing to do after what I did to him.

I'm here to calm myself down when he must be in dire need of comfort.

What is the difference between me and the demon wolf? He asked himself but knew there was a difference.

His father wouldn't ever feel the things he was feeling at the moment--the need to show the younger his affection, getting attracted by him, starting to get addicted to his presence and smell-- feeling for him.

And Jungho cannot ever feel.

If he was Jungho, he wouldn't feel guilt after whatever he did. He had felt guilt whenever he hurt somebody but chose to not care, but this time he couldn't ignore it.

He was falling for the younger.

He knew he couldn't just act like Taehyung didn't exist now. It was impossible. He was addicted to the omega.

He knew all of this was so wrong, but there was no way out of this.

He was already too deep into this, his heart's desire for being with the omega was really huge to go back to being the way he was: loving only the person he is supposed to.

He felt calm and contented when he was with Taehyung. No one managed to make him feel like that in the past few years.

Hoseok, Yoongi and Sana had all failed to calm him down and make him feel better even though they knew exactly what had happened.

Their words which were meant to comfort him, angered him because he knew that nothing was alright. Nothing was ever going to be.

But Taehyung... he made him feel peace and at ease without even actually trying to do it.

But whenever there was a scope for the trueblood to get a better and happy life, just something happens that makes it all vanish.

Last time it was his lack of action and this time it was his overreaction that made the source of his happiness go away from him.

He sighed, his heart ordering him to go in and he couldn't further stop himself from lifting his hand to knock on the door.

He frowns when he hears no response. He anxiously held the handle of the door and tried opening the door.

Getting impatient, he pushed the door with his back, once, twice and the lock of the door broke.

He opened the door, eyes immediately landing on the corpse of a middle-aged woman on the couch. He gasped, eyes growing wide, heart sinking in fear.

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