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Third person pov

Taehyung shuddered when he saw the huge lonely room. He had just woken up from a nightmare.

There were so many toys and books in his room along with all the things he requires like food and snacks but he didn't need any of those at the moment.

The five-year-old needed a presence beside him. He felt lonely and scared.

He got down the from the bed and waddled to the door.

He doesn't dare to open the door because his mom had ordered him in the sweetest way to not do that.

He had never left this room, never seen what the outside world looked like.

He was locked here for years, and it would continue to be like that unless he decided to go against his mother and leave the place.

"Mommy?" He called, voice sounding desperate as he hoped with all his will that his mom would come to him and calm him with her soothing words.

He placed his chubby hands on the door and pressed his ears against it to try and hear footsteps.

It was midnight so his room was dark and scary. He could barely see anything which made him even more terrified.

"Mommy, I'm scared," he whimpers, tears welling in his eyes.

"You promised you'll come when I call you..." He starts sobbing quietly.

He snapped his head towards the window when a small light flashed into the room from outside.

It was probably just a car or some bratty teenager who was roaming in the streets at midnight and trying to cause trouble, but his innocent self thought that it was a ghost.

"Mommy, there is a ghost here! I'm scared!" He yells.

Eunae knew her son was calling for her but if she left now, Doyun would be mad.

She gulped and looked up at her mate who stirred softly in sleep Tightened his hold around her waist.

She softly patted his chest so he doesn't wake up because of the yells of their son.

She bit her lip because she knew that it was almost impossible for her to leave.

Taehyung sat down on the cold floor and curled into a ball, wailing softly.

This was how his days were every time.

He would sob to sleep every night, wanting to be with his mom but would get up in the morning and forget about everything-- his nightmare and the loneliness-- as soon as he sees his mom in his room.

He longed for her as she was the only one who actually loved him. His dad never came to his room to even look at him, and his elder brother, Jaewon, preferred going out and playing with his friends rather than coming to his room to play with him.

He could only see the alpha and beta children who played outside on the road from his window, couldn't join them no matter what.

Oh, how he wished he could go out of the room and touch the trees and plants, sit below the tree and sleep or play with somebody of his age, a friend.

He was very innocent and followed everything his mom told him without even asking why he had to do it.

He didn't ever ask her why he wasn't allowed to leave the room while his brother and the other children were.

It was love. He loved her so much that he couldn't go against her orders and wishes.

It would only take a little effort and he could jump out of the window and escape, but he never tried that.

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