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Third person pov

Time passed with the same type of days spent, waking up right in the morning and working from dawn to dusk without any rest at all.

He turned eighteen a few days ago and he hasn't found his mate yet.

He had woken up at midnight on his birthday when his noonas started singing a birthday song for him.

He didn't need it, didn't like birthdays as he remembered what happened years ago when Jimin and his mom had sung the song for him on the night he was brought here.

He thanked them sincerely, telling them that he was happy that they remember his birthday. He couldn't seem to tell them that he hated his birthdays.

It was on his birthday that he was sold to Jungho and also the day he was forcefully brought here.

He was extremely ecstatic that none of these stupid warriors are his mate.

He knew he'd still force himself to be a good mate to them even then and not reject them.

Unfortunately for him, the sweet voiced man hadn't come to the mansion for weeks now. He was desperate to smell the manly scent of him and hear his voice.

He had taken a lot of time to make himself understand that the male isn't his mate and now had somehow convinced himself that he should be happy with whoever he is fated with.

But that didn't stop him from blushing whenever he thought about the male and neither did he make any efforts to suppress the wishes to have him near himself.

There were a few changes made to his work schedule.

Earlier he had to do temporary works at every place-- cleaning, cooking, laundry and other work-- but now he has to permanently work for cooking.

It was the job he felt the toughest as it had a lot of chances of him getting hurt, well, because he wasn't even allowed to taste what he has made and would get beaten even if even something really small went wrong.

But he was managing it. Gotten used to the beating, he now thinks that his body just got stronger. Strong enough to handle very huge pain now.

In the past few days, something really unexpected happened.

The slaves had befriended two warriors who were new to the place, new to their pack. Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin, were mates and had a very kind heart.

They never hit a slave, for whatever the reason maybe and they have a soft spot in their hearts for the tiny looking male omega who would always smile whenever he sees them and bow to them, politely.

They found it cruel that these young omegas had to go through all of this, they definitely didn't deserve such treatment.

They couldn't do anything but just see them suffer; they worked for Jungho after all. They needed the money Jungho was giving them to survive.

Today, Namjoon and Jin were the ones who came to open the locks of the cells and let the omegas out.

It was winter and both were freezing even though they had long coats and clothes on.

The omegas didn't even have that. They just had on dirty thin clothes which were all torn but none of them even shivered.

Coldness was a part of their life. All they were given was a cold room and cold looks which lacked love and warmth that they deserved.

Namjoon opened the room to Taehyung's cell, smiling when the younger smiled at him.

"How are you, my pretty boy," he asked and ruffled his hair. Taehyung nods, smiling shyly as he said, "I'm fine, hyung."

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