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Third person pov

"What is it, baby?" Jimin asks sweetly while patting and rubbing the crying omega's back. Taehyung just continued to cry, ignoring Jimin's question.

Jimin had already been hesitant on letting his bestfriend go alone for meeting the trueblood because he didn't trust Jungkook even a little bit. Now, after seeing Taehyung's state, he regretted even letting him go alone.

Earlier, when Jimin had asked the omega where he was going, Taehyung only told him that he was going to meet Jungkook. The boy had refused to answer any other question of the alpha.

He wanted to tag along with him but understood that Taehyung wasn't a child now and that he didn't need him to escort him to every place he went.

He had patiently waited for the omega to return. After what felt like hours to him, he heard the door open and a sniffling boy coming in. Taehyung had rushed to him and curled into his embrace before beginning to bawl his eyes out. From then, they hadn't even changed their positions.

The alpha didn't know what had happened for the boy to cry like this. It hurt him, made his heart clench and got him desperate to know what happened.

His blood was boiling on seeing his state yet he calmed himself down so he can comfort the shaking boy in his arms first.

"Tell me, Taetae-ah. Your Jimin hyung is here for you. By not telling me anything, you're making me feel like you don't even need me. What did that bastard do?" he asks the question with a calm voice and sharp expression, evidently angry.

If he gets to know that Jungkook dared to hit him or even touch him harshly-- he will make sure to break every finger of that male's hand.

Taehyung's silence was irritating and frustrating him to the point that he wanted to grab his dagger and set out to the trueblood's house to lash out on him and warn him to not hurt the omega ever again.

But he had to remain calm as to not worsen the situation, so he composed himself.

Taehyung shook his head against his chest and snuggled closer, his whole body lying flat on Jimin's. The alpha patted his back, sighing deeply.

He stayed quite for a while and just held the omega tightly, letting him bury his face in his chest. He waited for him to calm down.

"J-Jiminie..." Taehyung croaked out after a while and looked up at him with pouting lips and sad eyes which were swollen and red.

Taehyung couldn't hold himself back from telling everything to Jimin now. He knew that Jimin was the only person who could understand him.

"J-Jungkook is m-my mate," He stuttered out the secret he was keeping from the alpha for a long time.

He was scared until now because Jimin had always only shown hatred towards the trueblood. He didn't want to upset Jimin by telling him that he loved Jungkook.

Furthermore, he was afraid that Jimin would take him away from Jungkook, and so he had decided to keep quite and not tell him about it.

But there was no reason for him to not tell him anything now as he hated Jungkook. Whatever happened that day just fueled his anger on the aforementioned male.

Does he want to make me suffer more? Isn't he satisfied with whatever he has already done? Why didn't he reject me... He doesn't even love me. He could've just let me go and given me a reason to respect him, but he...

He's so pathetic and selfish, just like his father. Both of them want nothing but to see other's sad. He probably even wants me to beg him to let me go so he refused to reject me at once.

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