
11K 706 288

Third person pov

"Pup, wake up. Your daddy is here," Taehyung cooes into Hayoon's ears. Her whole body was attached to his and she held onto him tightly, as if scared that he would leave.

She whines and flutters open her eyes a little.

Taehyung pecked her cheeks, lovingly and said, "it's time for you to go back home now."

The child's eyes immediately filled with tears as she clung onto him tighter.

"Mommy, Please come back home. I missed you so much for you were away!" she sniffled.

Taehyung's face fell, his heart clenched. He pecked her head repeatedly. He held her tightly and patted her back, rubbing on her waist softly.

He just didn't know what to tell her.

Should he tell her that her dad was the reason that he had gone away from her? Or that he was fed up of being abused and treated like a piece of trash by his own mate?

It was difficult for him to stay away from her too. His heart yearned to be with her always, but he didn't want to be close to Jungkook.

Rather, he wanted to stay far away from him because it hurt so bad.

His thoughts wouldn't stop torturing him, he would feel pathetic for being near that person who has hurt him more than anyone else.

"please..." She whimpered again.

"Mommy can't go back to your home, baby," he says truthfully. He didn't want her to live in false hope of him coming back because he knew how bad it hurts when a person's hope breaks.

Hayoon starts sobbing which made him panic. He pulled himself to a sitting position and brought her into his embrace to calm her down.

"I'm sorry baby. That house belongs only to you and your daddy. It will never be mine," he says softly. She shook her head and says,

"Why? W-we are so sad without you."

He frowns at the word 'we'.


"Yes, me and daddy want you back mommy. Please come b-back."

Taehyung didn't know how to feel after hearing those words. He knew it wasn't true because...

Why would Jungkook miss him? He was the one who threw him out of the house In the first place.

There wasn't any chance of the male missing him. Hell, the omega was sure that he doesn't even think about him.

"We b-both keep going to your room t-to get your scent. I don't want that, mommy. I want to get your scent from you and not your room. W-when I cry and complain to daddy about being away from you, he cries too. He tells me that he's sorry that you're gone and can't being you back even if he wants to, but I know you miss me too. Come back home, please," she cries and threw her arms around his shoulder, burying her face in his chest.

Taehyung couldn't concentrate on anything else but the words she said regarding her father's behaviour.

What? H-he goes to my room to get my scent? Why would he do that

And he cries because he can't bring me back...

He sighed deeply, his feelings all over the place. He patted her back and cradled her to his chest. He stood up and bounced her in his arms slowly while swaying from right to left.

He forced himself to not think about Jungkook because there was absolutely no reason for him to think about that man.

But he felt really bad for his daughter.

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