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Third person pov
3 weeks later

Jimin groaned as he untangled himself from the omega in his arms who was cuddled up to his bare chest.

He smiled lovingly as he placed a peck on his bestfriend's cheek and chuckled when he whined lowly.

Taehyung's cheeks were tear-stained because of crying. He claimed that he missed his daughter, his Hayoon.

Due to his weak senses, Taehyung hadn't ever gotten the scent of his mate when he came here every morning and evening, but his heartbeat always got faster and he felt extremely overwhelmed, though he never knew that his body was reacting like this because his mate was near.

He had assumed that the trueblood was finally happy in his life because he had gone away from his life.

That was what he always wanted. He hated having you near, and now that you're gone, he's finally satisfied. Taehyung's mind would tell him whenever he thought about the trueblood.

He felt so bitter and angry when he thought about him.

What hurt more was that his heart still yearned for his presence, that he still wished to have the older try and own his trust back.

He knew that wouldn't happen. Why would Jungkook want to increase his own problems by trying to get him back? That's something extremely ridiculous.

He always said that he didn't care about Jungkook now, but whenever he was eating food he would think,

Has he eaten food yet? Is he making effort to make breakfast for himself and Yoonie?

When he was helping Jimin with housework, he would think,

My baby would have made a mess of the house while playing... did he clean the house? Or was he too tired after work to clean it?

If not anything else, this thought would cross his mind,

Does he even think about me? Does my absence make him feel even a little guilty and bad?

He didn't know if he would get his answers but he was sure that it was impossible for him to forget about the ravenette now.

It was so wrong. He should hate the person who disrespected him and abused him, but he loved the elder. He loved his mate.

He was sure those feelings will never fade.

Jimin got out of bed after tucking the small male into the blanket and walked out of his room to attend to the impatient person who had been continuously knocking on the door for quite some time.

He didn't care about putting a shirt on before opening the door.


He gasped when his feet were engulfed in an embrace by a small human. His eyes soften when he looked at the baby.


He crouched down and hugged the girl tightly.

He felt so glad that she remembered him.

"Princess..." He says, smiling widely and happily. He was seeing her after three whole years. He laughed when he saw her standing on her own feet. The last time he saw her, she was just a toddler.

"When did you grow these, huh?" he asks and pokes her knees, making her whine.

He grinned at her before patting her head, lovingly.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin asks, confused yet happy because Taehyung could finally meet his daughter now.

Hayoon ignored his question and peeked into the house with wide eyes, desperate to meet her mom. It had been almost three weeks since she met him; she would be devastated if she doesn't see him now.

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