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Third person pov

Taehyung stood awkwardly beside his bag, pondering about where he should go and what he should do.

He was just standing in the same position from the time he came here; Jungkook was still upset at the way Jimin spoke to him so he had carelessly ignored his presence and plopped on the couch. 

He didn't know what to do now. 

He had allowed Taehyung to stay here, but didn't know what exactly he should do to make him feel comfortable. 

This wasn't because of Taehyung. If it was anyone else, even Hoseok, he'd be greatly uncomfortable. 

It was just the feeling of having his personal space being invaded that made him anxious. 


What if Taehyung thinks of him as a weak male and hurt him like Sangmi did? 

Of course, Taehyung evidently looked like he couldn't do such a thing, but all these thoughts were embedded in his mind. He couldn't be blamed for behaving like this, insecure and anxious around a boy who looked like he couldn't hurt a fly. 

He didn't know how to remove this fear from him. 

But his lack of response was making Taehyung dejected. Why was he ignoring him? What has he done for him to act like he wasn't his mate. 

Jungkook acted like he was no one to him. It hurt him. 

Taehyung finally mustered up the courage and walked on his tiptoes towards the couch, trying to gain his attention.

He wondered what he should call the elder and just settled on calling him the way his noonas used to.

"Y-young master?" He calls, whispering in a soft tone. Jungkook only hums in response, tensing in his place. Without even looking at him as he felt his feet begin to tap on the ground with sudden anxiousness of having the boy so near himself.

"W-what should... I um," Taehyung scrunched his nose slightly while looking at the floor because of how bad he was stuttering.

 He stood up and looked right at Taehyung's shorter form, fiddling his fingers, realizing that he had ben rude by just sitting down while making him stand.

"Upstairs, second last room to the right corner; you'll be staying there, Try to stay far as much as you can," he says, not looking at Taehyung. He tried to sound soft but his voice came out rather harsh. 

He had a huge house so it would be fine if Taehyung doesn't come in front of him or try to talk to him. Both could live freely without thinking or caring of the other. 

Even though it didn't seem like a big thing, It was a huge thing for Jungkook to let someone enter his personal space. 

Being harsh and cold was the only way he could keep his anxiousness and fear in. 

Taehyung ignored the pang in his heart and nodded repeating the words in his mind,

Learn to be more obedient. Learn to listen to what he's saying and maybe he'll be less mad at you. Maybe he'll accept you as his mate and stop trying to ignore you then.

Taehyung goes upstairs, struggling with the heavy bag. He managed to reach the room even after the little confusion he had about which direction he should go to and which room Jungkook was talking about.

He ended up going to the wrong room. 

He opened the door of the room and his eyes immediately widened.

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