313: The One Where She Chokes

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I walk into Weatherbee's office. "You wanted to see me?" I say quietly. I see Sheriff Keller standing by Weatherbee's desk with him. "Take a seat Ms. Topaz." I sit down on one of the chairs. "What did I do?" I ask confused. "Nothing." Keller says quietly. "What's wrong?" I ask quietly. "We got a call from a lady saying she heard a gun shot, she went to see what was happening and she found your mother dead in her car. We believe it was a suicide." He tells me. "I'm sorry Toni." He whispers. "I do have a few questions though." I nod. "We're still not sure if it was a suicide or not, was she depressed or anything?" He ask quietly. "My dad reached out to her a few days ago, blaming her for him being behind bars again. She's also Bipolar and I think she went off her meds again." I tell him. "It might have been those." He nods. "Thank you." He whispers. "Now what?" I ask quietly. "You just go through the day if you want or you can go home, we can call your grandmother." I shake my head. "I'll stay here. I need the distraction." I get up and walk out. "What was that about?" Cheryl ask quietly. "My mom killed herself." I say quietly.

I walk into the house. "You ok?" Cheryl ask quietly. "It's so quiet." I whisper. I turn around. "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" She ask rubbing my arm. "I don't think I can stay here right." I say holding back tears. "Do you want to go back to my house?" I nod. "Grab some clothes." She says quietly. I nod and go grab some clothes. "Why were you acting like nothing happened in school?" She ask quietly. "I was processing." I tell her. "You know, this explains this morning." I whisper. She looks at me. "What do you mean?" She ask quietly. "She insisted on driving me to school, telling me how much she loves me, all that stuff. She made me breakfast, she never does that even when I'm depressed and she's trying to get me out of bed. I should have sat down with her at least." I explain. "You didn't?" I shake my head. "I just stayed in here. I thought she was just trying to get me to talk to her." I look up. "What if, I sat down may-." She stops me. "You didn't kill your mother Toni." She whispers. "What if I sat down and gave her another reason to stay alive? I know how this works Cheryl. You'll be at the point where you want to but if one thing makes you happy even just a tiny bit you'll be willing to make it one more day." She looks at me. "Toni..." I look at her. "I'm fine." I whisper grabbing my bag and walking out of the bedroom. "Are you?" She ask quietly. "You know what explains the scars on your arms." She says quietly. I look at her. "I really don't want to unpack my life right now." I whisper. She nods. "Ok."

I walk into my grandmothers house. "Toni..." she comes over to me and hugs me. "How are you?" She ask concerned. "What do you think?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Ok." She looks at me. "Do you want something to eat?" She ask quietly. "I'm not hungry, can I just go up to my room for now?" She nods. "I'm not trying to just throw stuff on you make it like you have to live by my rules or anything but I asked Cheryl to come by for dinner, I hope that's ok." She smiles. "Of course, I love that girl, she's so sweet." I nod. "She also might stay over and she'll probably be here a lot." I tell her. "It's ok, she's allowed to come over whenever." I nod. "You know she's my girlfriend right?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Yeah, I figured." I nod. "I don't care if that's what you're wondering. Like I care in the sense that I don't really care." She tells me. I smile a little. "Thanks." She nods. "You guys are also really cute together so it's hard to hate you guys." She jokes. I nod. "You can just send her up." I say walking to the stairs. "Will do, call me if you need anything." She tells me. "Is my favorite blanket up there?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Of course." I smile softly. "Thanks for letting me stay here." I tell her. "I didn't really have a choice sweetheart, you're lucky I love you." She jokes. "I mean you could have sent me somewhere else." I whisper. "I wasn't gonna send you to live with your uncle."

"What's this?" I ask storming downstairs. Grandma looks at me. "Your dress for the funeral." She says quietly. "It was your mother's when she was your age." She says. "I can't wear this." I say handing it to her. "Why not?" She ask concerned. "I don't wear dresses and I don't think I can wear something of my mom's yet." I whisper. She nods. "Do you know what you're gonna wear?" She ask quietly. "No. I don't really want to think about it right now." I tell her. "Ok. Can you think about it?" I nod. "How are you doing?" She ask quietly. "You've been locked in your room with mostly Cheryl if you aren't in school." She says concerned. "I'm just trying to process everything." I whisper. She nods. "I keep thinking I'm gonna wake up from this nightmare, but it keeps going and I keep thinking I'm gonna come home and she's gonna be there. She's not." I tell her. She nods. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head. "I'm not ready." I whisper. "Do you need anything?" She ask concerned. "Can you please make me some M&M cookies?" She nods. "Do you want to learn how to make them? So you can make them whenever you want." I look at her. "You'd do that?" She nods. "They're not that hard to make, I just told you that they were when you were little so you'd be excited to have them when you came over." I smile.

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