Let It Bloat

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"Hey what's with all the cameras set up around here? I thought we were finished filming that documentary." Ringo asked one morning as he walked over to his drumkit.

"We did, but I thought it would be nice if we can get more footage of what went down in our final studio session together, I don't think the movie really shown what it was accurately like in here." Paul explained, setting up one of the cameras to get a close up of his face. "Maybe in the far future all our fans would be able to catch all this footage in theaters!"

"Heh yeah, as long as some money hungry company like Disney doesn't think of postponing this new film because they want it to only be on their own private theater or a channel you have to pay to use." John joked. "I still have no regrets turning down that vulture role, ain't no way a rock and roll band like us is gonna bend down to that rat!"

"Yeah yeah, I mean it's not like they're gonna try to monopolize a whole lotta other properties right. Ah nevermind, so do we all just play and they film us?"

"That's right George, I would have brought Heather along again but Linda needs her back at home. She's such a darling I tell you, I can't tell what I've done to deserve someone like the Eastmans." Paul could have spent all of his break time just daydreaming about his future family, that is if John didn't have the bright idea to start a food fight in the canteen. "John!! Those honey pies were supposed to be for the crew!! You could have at least left one for Mal, he's our best roadie!"

"Hey I was full and didn't want to see all this grub get cold, since I couldn't eat it I figured it would make good ammo for the food war! The only war I'm ever gonna support y'know?" The auburn haired guitarist snickered. "You want a half eaten chocolate oliver?"

Facepalming hard, Paul took an overtime break to clean the canteen. "Hey don't worry so much about it Mr. McCartney, we have a whole catering team outside. If you want you can give what we have a try. Most of it is potato based, ever had poutine before? It's basically fries slathered in gravy and cheese curds and it tastes heavenly!"

"Really now? Can that gravy be vegetarian? Since Linda and I have gone right off meat after seeing some lambs in our farm. I didn't think anything grows up in Canada with how cold it can get up there."

As soon as he went out of the building and to the film crew he could smell freshly cut fries. "Mmm, potatoes are the God amongst food! You know I always wanted to make mashed potatoes, you think onion will go good with it?"

He didn't wait for a response however, all he wanted to do was indulge himself with the potato goodness. "Ooh, these fries are still so crispy even under all that veggie gravy! Maybe put some onions on top too and you got yourself a feast fit for a Beatle! Oh! And these scalloped potatoes are just the perfect balance of creamy and crunchy! I love the little browning on top."

As Paul continued to eat all the carbs started to go right down to his waist, didn't help that almost everything was slathered in butter and cream or deep fried in pure grease. As his bowels struggled to digest such a large amount of starch in just a few short hours his gut started to peak out under his vest, slowly pouring down over his waistband as it pooched outwards. His face also became puffer with a double chin forming but his beard made it hard to notice.

After his belly grew to the size of an overinflated beach ball the fat started to spread to his once slim limbs, his arms had flab rolling down towards his navel line, his juicy thunder thighs could now give John’s a run for his money, his calves became covered up by the ever growing piles of flab going down his legs and his chest softened up into large moobs. That's not even getting to his rotund butt cheeks, they quadrupled in size after only a few dishes and were on the verge of tearing his pants right open.

Even his fingers became thicker like sausages and his cheeks begun to sag down to his barely visible neck, of course he noticed but he didn't care with how good everything tasted. All that was left was the crown jewel of all things tubers, the mashed potatoes garnished with a butter pat and plenty of chives. "Ooooh.. If I take another bite I just might burst!" Paul moaned, his blubbery face now coated with dried butter and bits of cheese curds. "But that looks so good!"

The filming crew watched as the bearded Beatle expanded before their very eyes, it took them all their might not to rush over and give him a cuddle. "Umm, we can pack that for you along with some more fries and poutine. Our treat."

"Aww you are too kind! But I think the others deserve a little snack or two as well." Paul awed, his belly bouncing as he stood up. "Oh! I might need some bigger clothes too."

"We can fix it in post, and we'll be more than happy to fat-I mean feed your bandmates too!"

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