He deserved to have his best friend and boyfriend as his own guardian angel.


Yami collapsed against the wall hours later. He slipped his mask off of his face and wiped the beads of sweat that dotted his face and forehead, slightly panting.

He had never been that determined to save a patient's life before. I mean, sure he had been very determined before, but he never truly felt the need to get as involved as he did with this one.

He wasn't very sure on what exactly caused him to take control.

Was it his worry? Was it the high tension in the room? ...was it what led to the patient being in surgery in the first place and how much he suffered beforehand?

Yami stopped at that last question.

He crossed his arms, looking down as he thought about it. Yugi stood right next to him, watching him closely. He too noticed Yami's fierce determination. It was more fierce than all the other looks he had.

"Yami?" Yugi finally spoke up, causing Yami to jump suddenly.

"Whoa!!!" Yami jerked his gaze to Yugi and then he suddenly started laughing at himself, "Sorry, I...I was just thinking about things."

"Yeah, I know. Sorry if I interrupted you and your thinking time." Yugi giggled slightly.

"Nah, what is it, Baby Panda?" Yami grinned at him, pretending to push his thoughts aside.

"Well, I was watching you during that surgery just now..." Yugi said, looking back at where the surgery table once was, "...You seemed to be more involved in this surgery than any other I've ever seen you in..."

Yami nodded and turned, looking slightly down. He knew where this was heading.

"And...If it is okay for me to ask..." Yugi said, "..Why were you like that?"

Yami looked at him and sighed, knowing that at one point, Yugi was going to have to know. He walked out of the emergency ward, excusing both he and Yugi and he looked at Yugi as they departed from that place.

"You are the only one who knows my whole story." Yami said, "You know about my first parents, my step mother and step sister. My step brother. My step father who killed them all and is after me, right?"

Yugi nodded, "Of course. How could I forget such a story?"

Yami looked away again and led Yugi into his office where the two could be alone together. He looked at Yugi sincerely.

"And just like then, do you still promise not to tell a single soul?"

Yugi nodded once more.

"Tell me what you would have done if you got desperate for happiness, Yugi." Yami said then, "You lost everyone in your family, no one liked you at school, and your living in an orphanage. Where do you run?"

Yugi remained silent. He didn't know how to answer Yami's question very well.

Yami didn't wait for an answer.

"After my step brother died..." Yami continued without hesitation, "I slipped into a full on depression stage. I never left my college dorm. I never spent time with friends. I hurt so bad, Yugi. I hurt so much. I wanted it to stop.

"But the question is...how do you stop a pain that is the cause of sadness, loss, death. What do you do once you've lost everyone you love?"

Yami paused, his eyes watering as he pulled up his bandaged arm that had that scar. Now, that scar was rapped in bandages and it was going to be a very long time until it came off.

Yugi listened, sensing Yami's pain through his voice that quivered with every word that left his mouth.

"You...you want to join them." Yami said, "You don't want to live alone. You want to become one with them. You...

"...want to die with them...

"And that is almost exactly what happened."

Yami didn't look at Yugi, but it didn't take a genius to know that Yami was talking to Yugi. He looked out the window.

"...I couldn't take it anymore. People made fun of me because I had no family. They said I didn't deserve one because no one wanted me. They hated me too, so I decided to relieve them of me." Yami said, looking down.

Yugi hugged him from behind, not bearing to hear anymore. Before High school, he too faced tons of harsh bullying. It pained him to think back on those days. All the nights crying himself to sleep. All the harsh comments.

Yami had silent tears falling rapidly down his cheeks. He didn't speak anymore, but Yugi could read in his eyes what Yami tried to do not too long ago.

Yami tried to kill himself. He attempted to end it all by commuting suicide, but he regretted it once he woke up in the hospital after trying it.

When he heard about Jesse, he knew exactly where he was coming from.

He wanted to help and to save Jesse.

Hopefully, he did.


Author's Note:

Heya, guys!!! We be getting intimate in this book, Huh????

Ah, yes!!! More to Yami! He really is a quite depressing person, isn't he? You'd never expect it, looking at his jokes and his talent at making everyone smile!!

That is actually a very good thing that love about him!!!

Comment if you agree!!!

So anyway, it is really late, and I am really tired. I hope this chapter didn't come out to be half-assed because if it did, my greatest apologies to you all.



Soooooooooo, yeah! Hope you liked reading this as much as I liked writing it!



Oh, and the little thing Jaden said was a quote from a song story type of deal I heard once. I thought it was pretty awesome. No copyright infringement intended.

Anyway, yeah!



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