CH50: Let her rest

Start from the beginning

"I'm just signing some papers before lunch." He answered as he signed the last paper and closed the folder to focus on his wife.

Jisoo would always call him at exactly 11 am just before his lunch to check what he was doing. She said she was feeling bored and missing him whenever he was out working.

He actually insisted on staying with her at home, but then she would be the one to force him to go to work as she feels sorry for Jack, who was doing a lot of tasks on her husband's behalf.

Taehyung then worriedly asked, "How about you? How do you feel?" He was just fully concerned since this month is Jisoo's 9th month, so he cleared and finished all his works for the following two weeks. He can then stay at home and care for his wife.

Jisoo's giggles were heard as she speaks, "I'm feeling alright, don't worry. Also, Chae and Lisa are here with me so I'm not bored."

Soon, one energetic scream was heard, "Hello Oppa!! Oh, I spilled coffee on your carpet. Sorry." Taehyung sighed as he knew who was shouting... Lisa.

"It's okay, Lisa. It's easy to wash it, right Hubby?" He heard his wife say, and he knew she was defending Lisa for him not to scold her.

He smiled in defeat as he answered. "Yes, that's okay." He heard Lisa cheering with Chaeyoung in the background.

Taehyung was just thankful that his sister Jennie, Lisa, and Chae would stay with Jisoo when he was out working. Their moms also visit often. As of the moment, Taehyung insisted that only family members can visit his pregnant wife after what happened.

"Hubby..." Jisoo called her husband softly, "Can you buy me some Korean pancakes when you go home?" she asked with a smile on her face.

Taehyung chuckled as he answered, "Alright, I'll buy it from your favorite restaurant."

Ever since his wife got pregnant, her food preference also changed. She used to hate Korean pancake but one day she just asked about it that he searched around to find a restaurant that was still opened at 3 am in the morning.

Now, she likes it as she also said that it reminds her of him.

"Thank you, Hubby. " Jisoo happily said, giggling as Lisa and Chaeyoung teased her. "Oh, Don't skip meals, Mr. Kim," she added seriously.

"Yes, Mrs. Kim. I'll eat after the call." He answered softly.

"Good. I'll see you later then. I love you." Taehyung's lips crept up, the room became brighter just from his wife's voice and words.

"Hmm... See you. " he hummed before adding with warmth on his voice, "I love you too"

As the phone call ended, he stood up from his seat to take a look over the blinds to see if Jack was back so they can go for lunch. But... Taehyung's brows furrowed as he watched the scene happening outside.

A dubious smile crept up his lips as he took out his phone with a plan plotted on his mind.


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