63-benedict cumberbatch x reader

Comenzar desde el principio

"so, do you actually know already what happens in the end or-" benedict is shaking his head, trying to hide his smirk, as you rolled your eyes. "you dont know" the interviwer laughs.

"i actually asked my agent last night, i asked her if she knew and she said yeah, i asked if shes gonna tell me and she said nope" you explained, your cheeks growing a little redder.

"so, everybody knows but you" she says, giggling, "i guess so, right?" you ask, looking up at benedict. "thats right" he laughs through his words, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as if trying to comfort you while you faked cried.

"so, i believe everyone here gives you a hard time-" some interviwer was saying, and in all honesty, you were already so tired of all of this, all the questions you couldnt answer, and the questions about you being a horrible secret keeper. at this point, you didnt have the power to even defend yourself.

she probably finished asking the question, but you were spacing out and only came back when she tilted the mic over to you. to your delight, benedict was there, and was listening while you nodded aimlessly.

he lifts his hand and puts it infront of your mouth, and asks, "would you like me to answer?" for the first time ever, you were happy for him being there to answer instead of you.

benedict answered something, and then there was another question for you. this time, you decided to listen. "so, everyone is babysitting you, you have people driving you around, benedict is always around you, is it tiring?" she asks.

"well, it can be a little tiring because i do have to see benedicts face from the morning because he always wakes me up in the hotel, and at the end of the day we always return together to the hotel but... its not so bad, i guess. comparing to me being sued about letting out all the secrets" you answered, giggling softly.

"well-" benedict sighs, looking down at you, "it is very fun to work with {Y/N}, because she-she is very fun to be around, you know. shes funny and talented and she can hold a good concersation-" you smiled and put your hand on his back, looking up at him, "aw, thanks ben" you giggle. in response, he puts his hand around you and laughs back.

despite the babysitting, as the other people called it, hanging out with benedict was actually so fun. he was always so well dressed, always so well spoken, but he was so down to earth, and in all honesty, he was easy to talk to, so maybe... maybe i can tell him how it feels for me?

maybe not...

at the end of another day of interviews and going around with benedict, you were in the lift, going upstairs to your rooms. you were leaning against the wall, sighing.

"you alright?" he asks, glancing up from his watch. "i-" your words got stuck in your throat and you were stopped like the air was knocked out if you, before you sighed, "yeah, just tired" you smiled, crossing your arms and waiting for the door to open so you could run away to your room.

"hungry?" he asks, jerking hid head towards you. "no" you reply softly, forcing a quick smile. the doors of the lift open, and you both exit and go to your rooms, side by side.

"alright, guess ill see you tomorrow?" you ask, smiling as you open your door. "ill see you tomorrow, good night {Y/N}" he smiles, hugging you quickly and opening his door.

"wait-" benedict ubruptly stops and looks back at you, smiling gently. "yes?" he smiles softly.

come on come on come on come on...

"n-nothing... just... good night" you quickly say, flash a smile, and dash into the room, shutting the door loudly behind you.

so embarrassing to admit...

benedict, confused, goes over to your door and knocks on it. "{Y/N}?" he calls.

with a sigh, you lean against the door. "are you not feeling alright?" he asks, his hand settling on the handle.

"i-no its jus- no..." you sigh. this is so much, so hard, your eyes pool up with tears.

you quickly turn around and open the door, and by the wrist of the man, you drag him into the room.

his face is confused, and hes reaching forward to grab your shoulders, and you immediatly break down into tears.

"n-noone trusts me!" you call, tears starting to flow from your eyes, your lip quivering.

"o-oh..." benedict is a little taken aback, but your tears pull him right back in, and in seconds he wraps his arms around you, hugging you close to his chest, with your hands pressed between your chests.

"no one of you thinks i can talk for myself b-because of that one s-stupud mistake! its not fair!" did you sound like a child right now? yeah, maybe.

benedict sighs and presses you a little closer to himself, tsking his tounge, and starts to feel a little bad. you were already the youngest, and already made fun of for that, it must be hard to you that noone trusts you even in interviews, even though you dont even know whats happening in the movie.

you sobbed quietly in his arms, your eyes shut so tightly your head started to hurt.

hes silent for a few moments, wondering what would be the best way for him to handle this situation, and in all honesty, hes not sure how.

"listen {Y/N}... im sorry if im making you feel like you arent trust worthy-" he starts, sighing deeply.

"b-but its not you..." you sigh, "its everyone... not letting me know anything about it..." you sobbed out your last words.

"i-i know it may be uncomfortable and... honestly, its not fair towards you... you are a very trust worthy person and so kind..." he doesnt know what to say really, because he was told to be around you, and even though he did think this is too much to look after you, what can he do?

"tell you what {Y/N}..." he says, brushing down your hair in hopes of calming down your cries, "i-i can be a little hands off... and ill let you have a little more free talk time. and-and tomorrow morning, we can talk to your manager, right? you have a lot to you and give your mind without letting out anything about the movie..." he says, smiling to himself, hoping it will lift the mood.

"i-i guess..." you sigh, pushing yourself up from his chest and sniffling, looking down while he brushed his hands up and down your arms, smiling at you warmly for when you look at him finally.

it takes you a few more moments of sniffling and rubbing your eyes, but at the end you look up at him with your red eyes and give a weak smile, but its real.

"th-thank you ben... it means a lot to me... thanks for being so easy on me" you smile shyly, looking up at him through your lashes.

"hey, its my pleasure... you know i love you, so its no problem" he smiles gently.

what is this love hes talking about? its not for now.

"we'll deal with all of it tomorrow morning, okay?" he smiles, pushing his glasses a little higher on his nose.

you nod and hold onto his arm, thanking him again.

"get your beauty rest now, and ill see you tomorrow bright an early" he smiles again, slowly letting his hands slide off of your arms, but you quickly grab his hands before they leave you.

"will you... im sorry but... im feeling a little off" you mutter, "stay here?" you ask, your eyes roaming his face.

he smiles gently. "for you"


im tired okay? im returning to my house today and starting school soon, its all weird.

comment, vote and follow!!

yours, the red demon♧

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