Be quick , Offer is limited ....

16 5 5

Nancy's Pov
My cellphone started ringing ...
"Hey Emily " I replied picking up the call..
"Nancy we are leaving in a while " she replied hastily ..
Oh yeah ! how could I forget that ?
I promised her to meet her .

"Give me five minutes I'm coming to see you guys "I replied pulling jeans to my waist with one hand ..
"Nance please bring Ria too someone is dying here for her one look " she replied and I giggled back ...

"Ria open the door" I shouted alomost seventh time knocking their door ..
Finally Suzie opened it , her hair were messy she just wake up from deep sleep ..
"Whaaat happd " she asked streching her arms and yawning ...
"My friends are leaving today , Emily wants to see you guys so get ready and come with me " I said in one breath ...
"get up dude " I shouted on Ria shaking her arms ..
"Hmm" she replied in sleepy voice ..
Suddenly something happened to her and she got up hastily shocking me ..
What happened to her ?

"What happened between you and Noel " she asked excitedly ..
Did Noel told her about the kiss ?
But how ? I mean it just happened half and hour ago .
And when ?
My face turned crimson red ..

"You met Noel tod " I was going to say her when she spoke ..
"Yeah last night I met him in the party and I asked him what happened between you too when Nancy proposed you but he just smiled " she replied frowning a little like I didn't invited her on my wedding..

So that's the reason for his confidence today , he already knew that I was about to propose him ..

"Are you guys hiding something from us " Suzie asked raising her brow in mischievous manner ..
"N .. Nothing happened between us" I replied looking down at foot..
" and just get ready we already running late " I shouted suddenly to deviate their attention ...
Three of us hurried to the school gate , Emily and Keith was waiting there for us ..
We hugged each other , she took a promise that I won't disappear this time ..
My eyes landed on the window , Austin was peeking through it but it didn't bother me .

"I heard Sofia and he had a great fight" Emily said looking in my direction ..
"Hmm" I replied .
I don't care what's going on his life and relationship , It doesn't matter me anymore..

The bus honked loudly signalling for it's departure .
I tightly hugged Emily and Keith and then they board the bus ..
"Hey Ria are you on instagram " Emily asked from the window but and I understood why she was asking this ..
Suzie chuckled behind me ..
"Shut up " Ria howled on Suzie .
"Don't worry Keith ,I'll give your number to her " I replied and all of us laughed ..
After the bus departed a got a message , I took out my phone checking the notification ..
It was from Austin , I opened to see it ..
"Sorry " was written there ..

Boring schedule resumed again , after all this fun classes were looking even more dull .
Worst was that a lot of teachers started taking surprise tests making my life hell , but it was our last year and we couldn't help but study ...
It's like we were tied on a loop got up early get ready , go to school, come back and again start studying .
I warned Noel to not tell anyone about that kiss but Noel created a lot of blunder .
Whenever he walk across me ,he shows me a sign of secrecy like zipping his lips then locking and then tossing something in air like a key have been thrown away and whenever I told him to not to do this infront of everyone he ask me to reply for his proposal..
After his actions Ria and Suzie became so determined to knew everything that I had to tell them ..

It was last period but due to some official work no one came to take class , me Suzie and Ria were studying together when a boy entered whom I never saw before ...
I heard a lot of voices from students as they were welcoming him ..
"Who is he ? " I asked Ria.
"Jaiden" she replied and I tried to recall that name ..
He was Noel's roommate I recalled ..

Finally he made his way to the last bench hugging him tight ..
"Thanks bro " he said with muffled voice but I think everyone of us heard it ..
"thank you so much , I don't know how I'll manage " he was about to say something when Noel stopped him ..
"It's okay and I told you not to mention it " Noel replied and he smiled .He wiped his tears and three of them started chatting ..
"What is happening there " I was very confused and curious ..
"Even I don't know " Suzie replied , she was confused too ..
"He never comes to the class " I asked ..
"Yeah he barely come Will told me that his mom was sick " she replied and I nodded ..

As the bell rang everyone left the class, I took more time to arrange my books as I wanted to talk to Noel and he noticed it ..
"What happened Love ? " he asked when everyone left ..
Love ! Yeah he started calling me love since the day he proposed me , It felt like a beautiful melody to me ..
"You must be missing me , it's been a very long time we haven't spent a romantic night ,but don't worry I'll come to meet you tonight in your room " he whispered coming closer to me .
I pushed him away ..
"Shut up and don't you dare to come to my room " I replied scowling at him ..
"By the way who was he ? " I asked to know more about Jaiden ..
"Jaiden my roommate " he replied sitting infront of me ..
"And why he was hugging you "I asked .
"Ooh so my love is getting jealous "he replied with a his mischievous smile .
"No I'm not you can hug or do anything with any boy , I'm letting you free " I replied teasing him ..
"And what about girls " he asked seductively making funny gestures outlining a figure in air ..
"Don't worry about that girls aren't brainless they won't come near to you only I lose some brain cells being with you for so long " I replied giving him his own taste of medicine ..
He frowned a little ..
"Now tell me why he was thanking you ? " I asked bringing the topic again ..
"He was hugging me because , because " he replied in tensed voice making me more curious and then he stood up , coming closer to me our nose were just a inch away .
My breath hitched in throat .
Why don't he understand that his closeness brings a tsunami inside my heart , like those giant waves of oceans splashing against the wall of my heart .

"First give me your reply then I'll tell you everything " he replied in one breath ..
"And yeah be quick , the offer is limited " He added seductively and then he hastily pecked my lips and left ..
A high volt current blown away all my senses .
"Bye Love " he replied from a distant and I stood there with frozen limbs gawking at his disappearing figure ...

"You have no idea
How fast my heart races
when I see you ...❤️
Hope you enjoyed the chapter do vote and drop your precious comment .💞💞

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