Result ...

11 4 20

Nancy's Pov

We were all set to go back to our school ...
"I can't believe five days spent so fast while in school even a hour feels like a year " Ria replied putting her things in her bags ..
"Hmmm" I replied looking around ..
It was such a beautiful place that I don't want to leave it so early ... That too not when we know that we'll be again indulge in boring schedule of classes ..

"C'mon girls come fast " Miss Ruby shouted and we reluctatnly moved towards the bus ...
We reached the school and strolled towards our hostel holding our luggage ...

"Thank God it's Saturday  Atleast we do not have to bother about class tomorrow"  I replied pulling the bag ..
"Yeah ,but I think next week we'll get our results " Suzie replied ..
I frowned a little ...
I opened my room and fell on the bed but I don't want be alone as I became used to of their company so I took  shower and went to their room where we had our lunch and we discussed about our upcoming result and slept ...
I was finding my stuffs as I was already getting late for the class ...
"Nancy hurry up " Ria shouted ..
"Coming " I replied and hurried towards the corridor ..
"Where is Suzie ?" I asked as we were almost running towards the school..
"She had some work with Ruby ma'am that's why she left early " she replied ..
"Okay "
Something was strange today ,it's like in our absence school is renovated ..
Notice board was changed , tiles were shining like mirror, everything was looking new and perfect ..
"Is this really our school " I asked in amusement ..
" May be our principal is changed " Ria replied and both of us giggled ..
"Why are you guys so happy in this  Monday morning  ?" A familiar voice came from behind ...
I turned to look at Noel ..
"And what's is so wrong about this morning " I Replied turning away but he didn't replied but silently strolled beside us ...
"Noel , Matthew sir is calling you" a junior  shouted ..
"Okay " he replied to him ..
"see you later sweetheart " he replied giving me a wink and left..

We reached the class but our seat was already preoccupied by others ..
So we went to last bench ,we were discussing about what we have studied a week ago when Noel came and plopped beside us ..
"Hey sweetheart " he asked  ..
"Why are you sitting here aren't you going to sit with your best friend " I replied ..
" No he won't come today , he watched movies late night so must be sleeping ? " He replied ..
"You didn't join him ?" I asked pulling notebook from my backpack .
"No , I've more beautiful things to watch " he replied putting his weight on his hand and completely turning his head in my direction ..
Ria giggled hearing this ..
"What's is so funny here ? " I asked giving her a death glare ..
"Nothing , you guys can carry on " she replied indulging herself in books ..
"Still you can't sit here , this place is booked for Suzie " I replied ,this boy is definitely born to annoy me ..
"I don't think she will come today" he replied closing his eyes  ...
"Why ? " Ria asked before me ..
"Principal sir has called all the captains , they all went to conference room , must be preparing for the interschool competition " he replied with slightly open eyes  ..
"Okay " I replied ...
"Now if you don't mind let me see you in my dreams " he replied closing his eyes again ..
"Your pathetic jokes " I hissed , his lips tucked up in smile ..
I was thinking about the competition ,
once I asked Suzie about this and she told me that competition always happens between residential school and since they are here our school hasn't organised the competition.. Players and other  cultural group usually went to other school for participation..

During whole lectures my mind was thinking about the upcoming competition.
In last class we heard clicking of heels against the floor , our eyes turned to look at the door and Ruby ma'am entered fixing few stands of hair behind her ear  ..
Everyone stood up to greet her but as James was absent nobody complimented her for her looks ..

Lecture was going to end when Suzie entered ..
"Come Suzie , I was waiting for you" Ruby mam excitedly replied ..
I turned to look at Ria but she was looking more confused then me.
"So I'm going to declare your result today " She replied after Suzie settled behind us ..
"Nothing could be better than this , welcoming by result " Noel hissed  ..
"No ma'am" everyone shouted and she giggled ..
"Our class monitor secured the first place with 93.7%" She replied and everyone clapped ; me and Ria were the one who clapped till the last ..
"Second is Zayn and third is Jacob "
"Who is Jacob ? " I asked in confusion to Ria  cause I never saw him in the class ..
"My roomate " Noel replied before Ria could speek up ..
"Strange ! I never saw him " I replied looking ahead ..
"I can take you to my room "he replied and I gave him death glare ..
"I mean you can meet him their " he added hastily ...
"I don't want to " I replied furiously .
He chuckled and I heard something like 'cute' but I didn't ask him anything.

" Other's can check their result on notice board and one more thing at 1:15 pm everyone must gathered in assembly hall as principal sir is going to tell you something " she told us and the minute she left each of us started gossiping , I asked Suzie about the same ..
"Our school is going to organise interschool competition this year " she replied and everyone cheered ...
"That would be fun " I thought

Only ten minutes left for 1:15 so we strolled towards the assembly hall , again the murmur could be clearly heard , everybody was talking about the upcoming programmes ...
"Good afternoon students " Mr. Clark  Addressed to everyone and some of the enthusiastic students replied to him..
"As all of you might know that this year our school is going to organise the interschool competition , but after discussing to all the teachers and staffs we made some changes in it; as you know till now our students has only competed among the residential schools but this year we decided that we will be inviting other schools as well and regarding this matter I've already sent letters to the school's principal " he added and waited till those murmurs faded ...

I felt like we're participating in triwizard tournament ( the inner potterhead inside me never cease any chance to come out )
In the end of tournament Harry bring back  the Voldemort and I don't know what's bad going to happen in my life ..

"As they will come and stay in our school for a week so I'm asking all of you to co-operate with the teachers . Our prestige and reputation is now in your hand and I've faith in you that you won't let me down" he replied with his old smile ...
"Yes sir " .

We left the assembly hall after a long twenty minutes lecture in which we only heard the thing of our interest that school is classes will be suspended .

"Do you know which school is selected " Ria asked Suzie ..
"Nope " She replied ..
"Hey Nancy what's your ex-school name " Suzie asked suddenly ..
"Westwood high school , Why ? " I asked .
"Nothing I just asked " she replied..
"Okay " I replied
I really wish that they won't come otherwise i have to face Austin and the thought of seeing him again after that video was disturbing for me   ..

We checked our result I got 84.7% , and my finger landed on Noel's name
"82.8% " I read in low voice
Pretty good ! I was surprised ..
After flirting and volleyball he still manage to get good marks ..
I looked at Ria she was checking her percentage ..
I raised my brows to ask her.
"87.5% " she replied with giggle .
"Woah , now both of you should give me party" I demanded  happily ...
"It was a mere test " Ria replied folding her hands against chest ..
"We'll wait till next week , then with result we can celebrate your victory too" Suzie replied in excitement ..

I came back to my room throwing back pack on my bed and pulling my phone from it ..
And my heart sank after seeing that message ..
Why everything bad happens with me ...
I threw my phone on bed due to disappointment ..
Screen was still on showing that message ..
Austin- Hey babe !
Coming to your school for competition   😉
See ya next week 😘

"You can't run away from your problems ,because your problems just don't  disappear , they come back to haunt you ...
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