Jealousy ...

12 5 9

Nancy's Pov ...

After a while Ria became normal ,
and I told her everything that happened in cafe ..
"You were right it's best to let some people go from your life " I replied ..

"Forget it , what did you think about it " Ria replied closing that diary and placing it aside ..
"What ? " I asked in confusion ..
"About you and Noel " She asked again and I recalled those moments we spent in changing room ..
"Don't think too much Nancy , I know that you are hesitant because of your bitter relationship , but trust me he really loves you ..

"I know him since I came to this school although we weren't that close but I can say that he is genuinely loves you "she replied ...
I took a sigh ..
"Yeah I know even I like him but I'm not sure ! I mean should I really tell him about my feelings ? And what happened if it also ends like ..." I stopped , even that thought was making me restless ..
"That won't happen " she replied with assurance . 
"Trust me he is not like Austin and James , although he has flirtious nature but he never tried to get close to any girls " she replied ...

I came back to my room , lying down on my bed and thinking about everything Ria told me ..
I couldn't deny the fact that I like him but I was scared , I couldn't afford to lose him ?
And may it was just his infatuation     that he felt for me  , like I felt for Austin ...
I shut close my eyes and my mind again relive those moments that I spend with him  ...
My heart started beating faster ; only his face was dancing infront of me ..
I placed my hand on my heart just to ease those errotic beats but they  started thumping more louder ...
After pondering for almost midnight I came to conclusion that I'll tell him about my feelings...
Atleast I should take the first step rest will be our fate ..

I got up late in the morning as I was tired after the match and slept very late ...
I took a shower and took few steps towards the mirror looking at myself ...
I tucked few strands of hairs behind my ears , looking at the mirror image and dreaming about the response Noel could give ...
My palm started sweating and my face turned red ...
God ! I wish I could borrow some courage from anywhere , right now for me the hardest things on this earth is proposing Noel ...

It was Saturday , the last day of our interschool competition , and in evening our school organised a Dj night and small party for all the students ...

In evening three of us got ready for the party , I wore a plane lavender coloured crop top with a denim jeans ....
And we walked towards the ground where all the events are going to held , it was beautiful decorated with the lights , volunteers from every classes were busy in placing snacks and cokes on table ..
I looked around to find someone and finally my eyes landed on him , he was wearing a black t-shirt with denim and was looking cool and dashing....

First of all the winners received their trophies and then then teachers left instructing us to maintain the decorum and left ...
Still warden was there but she was busy in her own...

"Nancy " I heard my name and my heart started jumping inside..
"Yeah " I turned to look at Noel , although weather was cool but my cheeks were turning hot due to his presence ...
"I want to " I was patiently looking at him to hear anything he say , but Will interrupted us ..
"Noel , do you have keys of sports room , I need to place these trophies there " he replied holding two big trophies in his hands ..
"Yup " he replied pulling keys from his pocket , but Will's hands were  already full ..
"Please come with me " he replied. 

Noel took a glance at me and I nervously smiled ...
"I'll be back " he said to me and I just nodded..
I waited there for five minutes but they actually felt like an hour but he didn't came back  ..
Loud music started and I saw a lot of people dancing there ..
Ria and Suzie were dancing in the crowd , they were trying to say something to me but I wasn't able to understand ..

"What are you doing here ? " Ria shouted coming towards me ..
"Nothing , just waiting for Noel " I replied ..
"He'll be back  , let's come and dance " she replied pulling me with her .
"Ria listen to me " I shoutedand she raised her brow asking ...
"Actually I decided to tell him everything " I replied in low voice ..
She remained silent for while then jumped over me ..
"Really " she shouted ..
"Shhh " I replied placing my finger over her lips ..
"Don't worry Nobody can hear us in this loud music" she replied ..
"Than What are you doing here ? " She shouted again ..

"Waiting for him " I replied , she made a weird face like telling me that I'm the dumbest creature of this planet..
"Just go behind him , I mean look he won't be able to hear anything here " she replied ..
"Okay " I nervously rubbed my palm together ..
"Yeah and may be you guys take it further like kissing and all " she replied with a wink ..
"Shut up " I said giving her a death glare and she giggeld..

Loud music was quite enthralling but my heart was resonating more than it ...
I walked towards the school building , I was excited , I was nervous ,but more than anything else I wanted to tell him about my feelings ...
I strode towards the sports room ..

"Noel " I shouted standing outside , it was dark inside  ...
Why he didn't turn on the light ..
"Yeah Nancy " he said coming out.
He smiled a little looking at me ..
"Why is it so dark here ?" I asked .
"Light is not working , may it is fused" he replied ..
"Okay " I said ..
He remained calm looking at me and I realised why I came here ..
"I want to tell you something " I said.. Nervousness was engulfing me from head to toe ..
"Yeah sure " he said , and I awkwardly smiled ..
Why is it so hard to tell these simple words ..
"Actually " I was about to say something when someone interrupted us ..
Why I have chosen this day ?
I furiously thought ...

Tia she came out from Sports room...
What the hell is she doing here with Noel ?
I thought ( you can't silence the jealousy  inside you )
"Noel, can I talk to you for a minute" Tia said in low voice ..
"Now ? " He asked in confusion looking at me and her ..
"I mean I'm busy " he added  ...
"Only five minutes" she again asked and my blood started boiling ..
He looked me for a while and then nodded ..
"Only five minutes , hope you don't  mind " He asked ..
"Nope " I lied  , his concerned look stopped at me for a while and then he left ...

Tia has ignited a kind of fire in my heart that wasn't cooling down by this mere assurance ...
She was that important for him ?
I furiously stomped towards somewhere ...
I can't deny that I was jealous ....

There is no true love without JEALOUSY ...💖💖
Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter ...
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