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"Hey." I say to the girls. Char and Avery are behind the laptop and don't really notice me.

"Hi." Says Riley. She takes off her makeup and smiles at me. Wait what? Is she smiling? To me? Is this a joke. I just smile back and change my outfit for shorts and top.

"Would you like to put on a mask too?" I look at Riley in amazement. I smile and then walk over to her. Why no to a skincare?

"Which mask do you have?" I ask. She takes a few masks from her bag and shows them.

"This one is really good." She says. I look at the mask with a picture of an aloe Vera plant. Those things are indeed good.

"Okay then I'll put it on." I smile.

"Do you have any dry shampoo I can borrow tomorrow? I forgot mine." Riley asks me.

"Yes I do." I say and walk to my suitcase. "I'll put it here so you can use it when you need it." I say and put the dry shampoo by the sink.

"Thank you." She says. She is nice. Is it just because she has to stick with us for a week? "I know what you're thinking." she says suddenly. I look at her and lean against the sink.

"What then?" I ask.

"Why is she acting so nice all of a sudden?" She says. I smile briefly and nod.

"Look, you always send those looks, but now you're actually quite nice." I say honestly. She sighs.

"I don't want to be that at all, it's because of Mila." She says. I'm going to stand up.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow if you want." She says. I nod and change the subject.

"Do you have a love life." I ask what makes her smile.

"I can see someone sitting there, but I know I don't stand a chance." She says. I narrow my eyes.

"Omg who?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"That's a bit private." She says. "By the way, you and Mason are a really nice couple. Too bad Mila just can't act mature." she sighs. wait wow?

"That is nice of you." I say. We'll talk about it tomorrow. So I'm not going to ask any questions, but her look shows she doesn't like Mila either, I'll find out tomorrow. My phone on the sink starts to vibrate. "If you're talking about the devil." I say seriously. She smiles. it was a joke of course. I pick up and put Mason on speaker. "You're on speaker." I tell him.

"Ai is good who is listening?" He asks.

"Riley." I am curious as to how he will react.

"Riley?" Yep exactly as I thought.

"Yes, but why did you call." I quickly change the subject because Riley looked away.

"Well it's almost twelve o'clock and I want you to come and sleep with me.

" What? No that is not possible."

"Why not? We have three beds here, let's move them all the way to the other side of the room and you can sleep with me."

"You've already made quite a plan." I laugh.

"of course everything for my pretty." Riley smiles broadly and makes a heart shape with her hands. I shake my head.

"But I don't want any trouble, Mason." I say.

"Don't you get Charlotte will come up with something when they come to check, and then you will get up early tomorrow."

"Um I know-" He cuts me off.

"Open your door." I hang up and walk to the door where I meet Mason.

"Serious?" He nods and puts his hands on my hips and places a kiss on my head.

"Hey." Say Charlotte and Avery when they notice Mason. Mason nods at them.

"Do you mind if Olivia spend the night with me?"

"Yes, I'll come up with something! Go!" she says as she climbs out of bed and squeezes a bathrobe into my hands.

"If I get in trouble, you're a big dick." I say sternly to Mason, but he doesn't take me seriously because he just made funny faces. I slap him on the shoulder and push him out. "Bye girls and thanks for the mask." I say and wave to the girls. They smile broadly and close the door. I look at Mason who looks at me with a big grin. he comes up to me and picks me up.

"Mi todo." i blush slightly his Spanish accent is so sexy. (My everything)

"Look who I brought?" Mason says late when we are in his room.

"Ey I'll tell you in advance your bed is going the other way, now." I say. They laugh, but I keep looking at them seriously so they immediately do what I say.

"Tough lady." Sigh Aiden. The boys move their beds across the room so that there is a lot of distance between the bed that Mason and I will sleep on. When they are done they let themselves fall on the bed.

"Is it okay now?" asks Wyatt. I nod.

"Now turn around I have to take off my bathrobe." I command. The boys look bored at Mason.

"You hear her!" he tells them. They turn around and I take off my bathrobe and get into bed.

"Are you guys going to fuck or something?" says Aiden.

"Oh no!" I call.


"No! Otherwise I'll go again." I threaten. He gives me an air kiss and comes to lie in bed with me.

"Trust boy." Says Mason. They mumble things back. Wyatt turns off the light and I wrap my arms around Mason's waist. as he goes through my hair and places little kisses on my cheek. "I love you." he says in my ear.

"I love you too." And close my eyes in delight.


987 words

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