Bonus Chapter: Maternity Leave

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seven months after Epilogue

I took a silent step towards the stairs. If I could just make it out the front door, I'd be good. I was dressed in all black. My black tank top was stretched over my belly, my black maternity yoga pants were secure, and my black running shoes were tied tight. Along with my black fit, I wore my thigh belt full of knives and other tools because my hip belt would definitely not fit as I am seven months pregnant with twins.

I quietly snuck down the stairs and was able to walk right out the front door. I paused outside, listening for my jailer to come running out and demanding me back inside. But it was a silent night. I internally squealed before running over to my car, starting it up, and peeling out of the driveway before he could stop me.

I sighed, letting my hair down from its bun, and turned up the radio. I sang on top of my lungs, all the way down to the estate on the cliffs lining the Pacific Ocean. I rolled down the windows, letting in the summer night air as I sped along Pacific Coast Highway.

It was thirty minutes later when my headlights lit up the driveway of the Thanos West Coast Estate. No lights were on so I had to let myself in. I shut off my car and silently walked up to the front door. Listening for movement, I quickly unlocked the door and slid right in. I sighed in the silent foyer and walked deeper inside towards my office.

I just need one job. ONE to cure my boredom. The room was dark with only the moonlight leading me towards my desk. I crept towards my computer to see any incomplete jobs I could do tonight. One final one before I get too big and can't do anything else.

I sighed in contempt as I sat in my desk chair, letting my feet rest. I swiveled towards my computer, shaking the mouse to wake it from sleep mode, and typed in my new password: my babies' names. Or the ones we've chosen based on the sex we were told. I scrolled through the files, finally finding one that would take me an hour tops.

I smiled and did a little happy dance in my seat just for it to drop as the office lights turned on. I looked up to see my fiancé standing there with crossed arms and an exasperated look. "Really, kitten," Luca asked as he strolled deeper into the room. He was dressed down in a pair of grey sweats and a white t-shirt.

I sighed and sat back in my chair with a pout. "I'm bored doing nothing," I replied. "I want to do something with myself, not just sit around giving orders."

"You're pregnant with twins, mia bella. You need to take it easy and take care of yourself. I don't want you to go out and put your life and our children's lives at risk."

"Not even a small job?" He stood next to me, looking down as I peered up at him with puppy-dog eyes.

He sighed in defeat, "What job?" I squealed in happiness and showed him the job. It required intercepting a rival's shipment. "Hell no!"

"Why not?! It's close by and all I need to do is stop one truck driver! Who's going to deny a hitchhiking pregnant lady?!"

"No, mia bella. That is final. No more jobs until you give birth, okay? I want to keep you three safe."

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "When have I ever not been safe?" He turned his glare towards me and that's when I remembered the last job that made him start this 'no jobs' kick.

I was only three months pregnant when I went out for a particularly large job with the girls only to come back with a bullet wound in my left arm and right thigh. At least we completed it.

I sighed. "That was because there was one man we didn't account for. He got in lucky shots, but I killed him after so it's all good."

Luca gave me a pointed look. "My answer will always be no until after the children are born."

I glared and pouted once more. "Fine." I closed down my computer and stood up with the help of the bastard's hand.

We started to head towards the door when he asked, "Why do you have knives strapped on?"

"Just in case you got in my way leaving the house."

"You were going to stab me?" I just gave him a smile and a kiss on his cheek.

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