21: Return

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Time went by eventually. Days became weeks, weeks became months, and months became years... or that's what it felt like. In reality, it has only been a month since the introductory dinner. I've just been existing, going through the motions of school and work. I've tortured and I've killed people, trying to figure out who is leading Silver Bullets and where they are located. All-in-all, I am back to square one.

I slammed my locker closed and adjusted my binder in my arms. I wore a black cropped tank top and cuffed ripped boyfriend jeans with black slip-on Vans. Ironic since I don't have a boyfriend, but they do look cute on me. I walked down the halls as the crowd parted for me. My old reputation followed me here and rumors spread about me being in the mafia. I didn't try to hide it. Not any more.

My resting-bitch-face was on and no one dared to get in my way. I entered my AP Russian class and headed towards the back corner table where Han was. I plopped down with a huff and sat back with my legs stretched out in front of me. "Доброе утро всем, (Good morning, everyone,)" our Russian teacher greeted. "Сегодня мы разделимся на группы по четыре человека и начнем работу над проектом, срок выполнения которого будет через месяц. Любые вопросы? (Today, we will be getting into groups of four and start on a project that will be due in a month. Any questions?)"

The room was silent and she gave a nod and started listing table numbers paired to another.

"Таблица шесть, вы в паре с таблицей два. (Table six, you are paired with table two.)" I watched as two nervous boys stood and approached our table. One made eye contact with me and stumbled. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Таблица седьмая, вы соединены с таблицей четыре. (Table seven, you are paired with table four.)" I watched as two giggling girls stood and strolled over to Luca's table. My jaw clenched. I do not care.

"Итак, что мы делаем для нашего проекта (So, what are we doing for our project,)" asked Han.

"Русское искусство в период революции, (Russian art during the revolution,)" I mumbled as I side-eyed the annoying giggling girl at table seven. I wanted to bang her head against the table she was leaning on, but I bit my tongue and held myself back. Looking at the clock on the wall, I internally sighed. Forty-five more minutes.


"I want cafeteria food," declared Sam. "And I want to see my boyfriend."

The group looked at me and I rolled my eyes. "You can do what you want," I said. "I'm not your keeper."

"But you are our boss," reminded Victor.

"Not your mom." I turned towards the front doors of the school.

"Where are you going," asked Ami. "Come eat lunch with us."

I froze and shook my head, curly hair swaying side to side. "No, I'll just grab something on the way home. I have some leads to follow up on." I continued on my walk but was stopped by a hand around my wrist.

I turned and saw Jay holding me back from leaving. "Take a break and relax during lunch with us."

"You can't relate lunch in the cafeteria to relaxing." I rolled my eyes when she started pouting. "Fine!" A few of them cheered as Jay tugged me along towards the source of all the drama.

When we entered, people silenced and stared at every movement we made. They led me to our usual table near the windows and sat me down in my seat. "What are you staring at," I sneered at the table closest to us. They jumped and returned to minding their own business. I rolled my eyes and pulled out a cherry lollipop before unwrapping it and gnawing at it, a result of my stress.

It's been a month since I've stayed for lunch. I looked around the room and connected eyes with Jessica. She smirked and leaned closer to Luca, just to have him shove her off him. Now it was my turn to smirk. I didn't care about who Luca was warming his bed with, but it was fun watching Jessica get rejected. Don't lie. You care a lot about who Luca's with.

I rolled my eyes at my inner thoughts. Fine. I do care. But, there's no reason to care. It's over between us. I side-eyed his table and frowned. Two more girls joined their table, pawing over Luca. I don't care who that lying bastard sleeps with. I didn't realize I was chewing at the lollipop so vigorously that it cracked a part of it off, creating a sharp edge. This sharp edge then cut my tongue.

"Ow, fucking bitch," I swore as I yanked the lollipop out of my mouth. I tasted the blood in my mouth and paused when a brilliant thought came to mind. Maybe I can use this to stab-

"No," scolded Han. I looked over at her staring back at me.


"I know what you're thinking. Stop it."

I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't going to do anything." I put the lollipop back into my mouth.

"Uh, huh." She didn't believe me, and with good reason. Another giggle rang out from that table and I clenched my jaw, cracking the lollipop even more.

"Hey," Chase greeted as he approached our table with Kiara and Bri. He spotted me and his eyebrows rose in surprise. "You're here for lunch!" He looked at his previous table and waved a handover. I watched as the guys, including Luca, stood from their seats.

"Yeah, no," I said as I stood. "I'm leaving." I gathered my things and headed straight for the doors.

"Gaiana," I heard being called out by multiple people behind me.

I ignored them and walked out to the parking lot towards my matte black Kawasaki Ninja H2R. I didn't go just to be tricked into sitting with that bastard. I put my arms through my black leather motorcycle jacket, placed everything into my backpack before throwing it on, and grabbed my matching black helmet from the handlebars.

"Gaiana," a deep voice called out.

I almost, almost, froze, but I continued to put on my helmet and threw my leg over my bike. He walked in front of my bike as I started it and stayed there. I sighed and flipped up my visor. "What do you want, Luca," I asked in a bored tone.

"Give me another chance, please." He was practically begging in front of me.

"I told you, there was only one chance, and you blew it. Now move out of the way, Luca," I growled.

He stared into my eyes before sighing, defeated, and stood back up on the curb. I kicked up the bike stand and revved the bike. Flipping down the vizor, I revved it once more before taking off back to my house, leaving Luca behind me.

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