07: Interrogations*

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I pushed off of Luca and ran to get my shorts on from the floor. The pesto was not of importance right now. I ran out the door and down the stairs of the house.

"Where are you going," Alex and Luca called out.

"I need to borrow your car." I took his keys from the front table and ran out. When I started the car, the back doors opened up and both guys jumped in. "I don't have time for this. Get out," I growled.

"No," Luca said stubbornly.

"Μπορείτε ηλίθιο, πεισματάρης dumb ass, (You stupid, stubborn dumb ass,)" I mumbled to myself in Greek.

"I don't know what she said," I heard Alex whisper, "But I'm pretty sure she called you a dumb ass."

"Shut up," Luca growled back.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out of his front driveway, speeding down the street. I haven't fully explored the house, but if I do remember from what Marco had told us, there's a back entrance that leads to the artillery room. I drifted around a corner and pulled up to the back. I quickly got out and demanded, "Stay here. I will be back."

I unlocked and ran through a door that was hidden by vines, running down an underground hallway. The hallway had skylight windows above that ran under the pool. It was made from bulletproof, one-way mirrored glass with the walls made out of concrete. There are two entrances to this hallway. The door I just went through, which the girls and I should only have the key to, and is always locked, and the one in the house.

I finally reached the room and entered a code. I rushed in and grabbed everything I needed. Once done, I ran back out and down the hall, back to the car. Both guys looked at me and the guns with wide eyes.

"Know how to shoot," I asked both of them. They nodded. "Good." I gave a handgun to each of them. I drove to the front so we could come from behind the enemy. I quickly stopped the car and got out with a gun in each hand, already killing ten men. They were the scouts. Who the fuck are these guys?

I quickly ran up the drive with Luca and Alex covering my back. I tucked one gun in the back of my shorts and entered through the wide-open door. I shot down five men posted at the front door and switched guns. Stopping to listen, I heard hand-to-hand combat going on in the kitchen. I quickly ran in and I barely dodged a knife thrown at me. I glared over at Jayden and she had an 'oops sorry' look.

There were four men left. One was fighting each girl. "Hey! Stop what you're doing," I yelled. "You are outnumbered, so there's no point in trying to escape." The men stopped and put their hands in the air. "Good." I took a bag from one of the drawers and threw it over to Han. " Zip-tie them." She quickly tied their crossed wrists and ankles together. Sam came behind her and duck-taped each of their mouths. "Bring them down." They each nodded and led them down to the basement.

I turned to the guys and they both had blank faces. "Who are you," asked Alex.

I sighed. Should I tell them? Well, it's kind of too late to hide anything. "I am Gaiana Kallisto Thanos, Don of the Thanos West Coast Empire. My cousin is the Don of the Thanos East Coast Empire. He has decided to expand and now here I am. Originally, I was sent here because my father decided he wanted custody of me." I rolled my eyes and lifted my shirt slightly. "This rose is a symbol of the Thanos family. I also have a family necklace with the same rose." I pulled it out and showed them my heirloom.

"So you're a Mafia Boss," asked Alex.

I nodded. "More or less, yeah."

His eyes widened. "That's so cool!" He looked like a child in a candy store with excitement in his eyes. "My sister is a kick-ass Mafia Boss!"

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