06: Chances

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"Are you done pouting, kitten," asked Luca. My response was to flip him off. "Baby, I couldn't let you kill her in the middle of the cafeteria."

"Stop calling me 'kitten' or 'baby.' We're not together so fuck off."

"Why not," he asked. I gave him a questioning look. "Why not be together? I like you, you most likely like me. So, why not?"

"Cocky much?" He just shrugged.

"Just stating an observation."

"We've known each other for a week. Not enough time to develop feelings."

"You can know someone for a week and have more feelings for them than someone you've known for years."

"Wow. Such wise words from someone who fucks anything with a vagina and boobs." I looked back out through the passenger window.

I knew his hands tightened on the steering wheel since I heard the twisting of the leather. "I'm trying to make a point, Gaiana," he growled.

"It's just an observation," I mocked with a shrug. It was silent for a while before I opened my mouth again. "Speaking of fucking, you fucked Jessica?"

He sighed. "It was a couple of years ago, not the day of the race like you're thinking. Way before I met you."

"Still fucked her," I mumbled.

He sighed in exasperation as he pulled up into a driveway. "We're here." He parked and shut off the car, took off his seat belt, and threw open his door. When he stepped out, at the last minute he leaned back in and said, "This conversation isn't over," then slammed the door closed.

I rolled my eyes, unbuckled my seat belt, and stepped out of the car, closing the door behind me. I walked up to the group of people standing at the doorway and joined with my girls. "So, how was your drive," smiled Sam.

"You can shove your question up your ass because I don't want to talk about it," I growled.

"Wow. That bad," asked Han.

I sighed. "He wants us to try a relationship together," I mumbled with a roll of my eyes.

"I say go for it. What's the worst that can happen," asked Jay with a shrug.

"Since you said that, something bad is going to happen," whined Sam. "I want them to be happily ever after!"

"Not going to happen," I laughed. I walked by them and followed the rest into the big house. The outside doesn't do it justice. From the outside, it looked small with the many windows and brick exterior, but once you walked in, it opened up.

"Welcome to our home," announced Jason.

"Wait," I held out a hand. "You live here, too? What about the other house?"

"That's my parents' house. I live here with five other guys, including Luca."

"Who else lives here," asked Han as she looked around.

"Me," yelled out a voice. We all looked up at the balcony over the entrance and saw Alex. "I live here, then there are also three guys you don't know: Chase, Drake, and Quinn." Three heads popped up in view and smiled down at us.

Chase was blonde with green eyes. He looked like the laid-back one of the group. Drake had curly dark brown hair and deep brown eyes with beautiful ebony skin. He seemed like the silent, observing one. Finally, there was Quinn with dark brown hair and happy brown eyes. He seems like the total opposite of Drake but not as extreme as Jason. I do remember them being at the race.

"Hey," waved a bubbly Sam. "I'm Sam, that's Han, Jay, Ami, and Gaiana. We call her Ana but they call her Gaia. I don't know what-"

"Gaia is fine," I cut Sam off. The four walked down the stairs and joined the others in the living room. That left Luca and me alone in the foyer. I turned to him and broke the silence. "Can I borrow your shower really quick?"

He nodded and led me upstairs. We walked down the hall and entered the last door on the right. "Go ahead," he pointed to a door. "The restroom is in there."

I nodded and walked into the restroom, closing and locking the door behind me. The restroom was an aqua green-tiled room with an industrial masculine touch. It was minimalistic and I liked it. Damn him for having good tastes.

I quickly stripped off my clothes, tossed my hair up in a bun, and hopped into the shower. Using his body wash, I cleaned myself free from the sticky pasta sauce. Once done, I jumped out and wrapped myself in a towel. Since I had no new underwear, I had to put on the ones I was wearing earlier. I didn't want to put my clothes back on since they had pesto all over it so I unlocked the door and peeked my head out. "Luca," I called out.

"Hmm," he hummed. That was when I noticed he was laying back on his bed. Shirtless.

"Umm... can I borrow something to wear for now," I asked, keeping my eyes off of him. I felt a blush start to grow. Can someone come and slap the shit out of me? Please! I'm currently acting like a fool. Why is he even shirtless right now?

I heard the bedsheets shift as he got up. He pulled open a drawer and took out one of his black v-neck t-shirts. "Here," he handed it to me. I mumbled out thanks and took it. Quickly shutting the door, I pulled it over my black Calvin Klein sports bra. It was long enough that it didn't show my matching panties but if I bent over, my ass would be showing. I guess it's good enough for now.

I opened up the door and walked out with my clothes in my hands. "Thanks," I mumbled out. Luca was back on his bed.

He nodded then crooked his finger towards me. "Come here."

"Why," I asked in suspicion.

"Just come here, kitten." I slowly walked up to him and stood next to the bed. "So, did you think about our conversation from earlier," he asked.

I sighed. "Not really. I mean, you're an ass who fucks anything with a warm hole and I'm not down to get an STD."

He rolled his eyes. "I got tested last week at my doctor's appointment and I'm clean. Plus I always use a condom."

"Doesn't mean Daisie didn't have one."

"Condom, sweetheart. And you sound jealous," he smirked. "How did you know it was Daisie?"

"She came into class with an 'I just got fucked by Luca' look." I shrugged. "Just a wild guess. You just confirmed it."

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. "Kitten, say yes," he whispered into my ear. "Give us a try."

"I'm not about the fuck them then leave them life. I used to be, but that wasted my time on pointless flings. I want a relationship this time and I don't think you are that type of person who would stay committed."

"Give me a chance to prove to you." Damn, he wants this. Why? I don't know.

I groaned. He's not going to stop, is he? "Fine! Fine. I'm giving you one chance. Just one! So don't fuck it up."

He smiled and shifted me so I was straddling his hips. "All I need is one, baby." Then he pressed his lips onto mine. This man better has cleaned his mouth after his Daisie session.

Then my mind blanked. Holy hell, were his lips talented. Each movement was like sending fireworks into the air and butterflies to the pit of my stomach. His tongue begged for access, but when I didn't grant it, he bit my bottom lip. I let out a small gasp and his tongue took advantage. His hands roamed around on my body. They went down my thighs and then back up to cup my ass. With a squeeze, his tongue dominated mine and he took full control.

His hands roamed upwards when I heard a distant ring. When I realized it was my phone, I pulled away. He kissed down and up my neck, murmuring into my ear, "Ignore it, kitten." Then he nipped my jaw, making me turn my head back towards him. He claimed my lips once again and his left hand covered my right breast. His right hand traveled down my waist, past my hip, and grabbed onto my ass cheek. My hands scratched up his chest and I dug my nails into his shoulders. After the third time ringing, my phone stopped. "Finally," he smirked. "Thought they would never stop calling."

He stopped kissing me so I nipped his chin in displeasure. He chuckled and reclaimed my lips. Luca was about to flip me onto my back when the bedroom door banged open.

"Gaia," panted Alex. "Hanna has been trying to reach you. She just called me and told me to tell you 'attack.' That's it." I quickly pulled away from Luca, realizing that it was Hanna calling me. The Empire Estate is under attack.

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