22: A Don*

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I didn't realize I was crying until I arrived home. When I took off my helmet, the breeze felt colder against my wet cheeks. God, I was angry at myself for even feeling hurt by that asshole. I aggressively wiped at my cheeks before going into the empty house, or what I thought was an empty house.

Everyone was at school, so when I walked up to the unlocked door, I pulled an emergency gun from our front door potted plant and silently walked in. I raised my arm, ready to shoot if needed. I heard movement in the room on my right and I slowly walked towards the entrance. His back was towards me, but I recognized that asshole. Who else wears damn suits everywhere they go?

I sighed and lowered my arm. "What are you doing here," I asked Marco.

He turned with a glass of whiskey in hand and smirked. He leaned back on the table and asked, "Can't I visit my favorite cousin?"

I frowned and placed the gun down on the side table next to me. "You can, but you don't. You're here for something."

He placed the glass down next to him and picked up a folder before striding over to me. "I got some information I think will be helpful." He handed me the folder and I opened it. Inside was a list of shipping containers at the Port of Los Angeles. I gave him a questioning look and he replied, "We broke into one of the bases in New York that belonged to the Silver Bullets. This is an order that is supposed to arrive tonight for their West Coast branch."

"Don't you think they'll know we are coming since you broke into their base? They can't be that stupid."

"I had Rome go in. He was in and out with the files downloaded before anyone knew." Figures. Rome may be an annoying goofball, but he's good at what he does. You need someone to be a ghost, he's the one to call.

I closed the file and nodded. "Fine then. We will leave at dusk."

"Are you taking the recruits?"

I shook my head. "No, it's too dangerous. It will just be the girls and me." He mumbled something under his breath and I gave him a questioning look. He just shook his head with a smirk and drank the rest of his whiskey. When the girls got home, I debriefed them on tonight's mission.

Currently, the girls and I were in the meeting room, strapping weapons onto ourselves. We were all wearing black leather pants and black tank tops with all-black Nike shoes. There was also a black leather trench coat to cover up our armed selves from the public eye. We have to be smart about our outfits.

I was strapping on some guns onto my thigh when there was a knock at the front door. We all froze and looked at each other before I went to answer it. When I opened the door, I sneered at the people behind it. "What are you doing here," I asked.

"Joining you," Luca said as he maneuvered around me into the house. "Marco called us to help."

I whipped around and glared at my smirking cousin. "I think you girls need back up," Marco said with a shrug.

"I think we're fine on our own," I replied as I crossed my arms. "You sent us on plenty of missions on our own when we were younger, why not now?"

"It's a bigger job." I rolled my eyes at his obvious lie.

"Whatever." I'll just prove them wrong. I noticed the girls were done getting geared up, so I signaled for us to leave. "Let's go." I led them out to the garage and we all got on a bike to ride to our destination.


So, we lost the guys on the way over. Not our fault they couldn't keep up. I was currently sitting on top of the main shipping container, in the dark, waiting for our special guests. The girls were around here somewhere.

I went numb hours ago, in my emotions and from the cold. I was just sitting here, fiddling with my knives, when I heard footsteps heading my way. Either the boys are stupid, or the guests of honor are here. I looked down below me, where my feet were hanging off, and saw five armed men come from the darkness.

"Hello, boys," I giggled to the Silver Bullet soldiers. They all froze with a hand on their weapon, while slowly looking up at me. I gave a little salute with my knives.

The one in the front and center relaxed and sighed. "It's just a little girl," he informed his buddies. They all relaxed around him and I let out a small cackle.

"Just a girl with pretty knives," I taunted as I let the light bounce off my blades. I put one away while I twirled the other between my fingers as I smiled sweetly at them.

The leader sighed and waved me down. "Okay, little girl. Playtime is over. Come on down from there." I shrugged and pushed myself off, landing in a crouch in front of them. When I stood, the man's eyes drew to the necklace I had on, hanging around my neck. He chuckled, "A Mafia Princess. Let us finish up our job here and then we will take you back to your Famiglia."

"And why would you do that?"

"Because we don't need you hurting yourself by acting tougher than you are." I glared at the smirking, sexist pig. "Now, who's your Famiglia?"

I stared at him with blank eyes as a smirk grew on my face. I noticed the shadows around the five of them start to move, forming female silhouettes. "The Thanos Famiglia." The smirking prick froze. "And I'm not lost. I'm right where I need to be to kill you."

He scoffed, "What are you going to do to us? You're just a Mafia Princess."

I chuckled before growling, "Fuck being a princess, I'm a Don." That's when we all closed in on them, quickly eliminating the soldiers and leaving the leader a sniveling, bloody mess at our feet. I leaned closer to him and he shrunk in on himself. "Tell Satan I said hi," I whispered into his ear before slitting his throat.

Right then, the boys decided to join us. "Look who finally decided to show up," Han sassed with a hand on her hip.

"We were doing perimeter checks," Luca informed.

I scoffed. "Whatever. We killed them so call Marco, since apparently you both are buddy-buddy, and tell him to send a clean-up crew." I cleaned my knives on the dead leader in front of me before tucking them away and walking over to my girls who were gathered around the door of the crate.

"Got it," Sam mumbled before the lock fell to the ground. Ami and Jay pulled open the doors and exposed the crate full of weapons.

"What do you want to do with them," asked Han.

"Light it up," I mumbled. "We don't need it to be traced to us, and if it blows, this crate can be tied to explosives in their possessions." The girls nodded before we all exited the crate. I noticed that the crew was quick with the five and were already hosing down the area of blood with chemicals.

"What's in it," asked Luca.

I shook my head. "None of your business." I nodded at David as he finished packing everything up. I turned back to Sam who had a grenade in her hand and a smile on her lips. "I recommend you guys run to your cars." I nodded at her and watched her pull the pin before throwing it in and running towards our bikes. We all followed and turned them on before revving and riding off.

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