30: Trapped*

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I felt myself become aware of my surroundings. I didn't make any sudden moves or noises to alert the Silver Bullets. My arms were growing numb since they were above my head. My ankles felt like they were shackled together, probably to the ground. Based on my rope burn, I'm guessing I'm hung for a while by my wrists to a beam or the ceiling. The smells surrounding me were musty. Old was what popped into my head. I was in an old building and based on the noises outside, nowhere near civilization. I'm probably in an abandoned building in farmland or the middle of nowhere.

I relaxed my tense muscles to keep them from tiring out and wasting my energy. I heard a door slam open and slowed my breathing down. Boots and heels were making their way towards me. "When is this bitch going to wake up," spat a male's voice. Based on the tone, I'm guessing that's Vincent.

"Baby, calm down. You don't need to get worked up over her," a female purred. Mireya. That bitch knocked me out. Oh, when I get my hands on her, I will like to personally shove a fucking kn-

"Brother, I told you to not do this. Do you listen to me? No. I stepped down for a reason because I didn't want any part of the torturing or killings. I was fine running the club but your ass had to drag my ass in this." Ben. "I said to leave this between father and Antonio."

"And I said to shut up. She brought this upon herself," Vincent sneered. I decided it was time to let my awareness known and get answers. I groaned and lifted my head, pretending to wake up. "Gaiana."

I blinked my eyes open and connected eyes with Vincent. I noticed it was only us four in here. "Vincent," I said in a monotone voice. I looked over at Mireya and said, "Bitch." I looked over at Ben and nodded. "Good brother that is unfortunately related to psycho over there."

I heard a growl and heels walking towards me. All of a sudden I was slapped across the face. "Watch who you are talking to," Mireya sneered.

I slowly turned to face her and glared. "You are so lucky I'm tied up because I could kill you before you even blink."

She scoffed. "You don't scare me."

"I should."

"Stop this childish argument," interrupted Vincent. "Do you know why you are here?"

"Because you're jealous of Luca. You want him and his father dead. Oh, and also my grandparents helped them get into power after finding out how corrupt your family was. So you have a hard-on for my family, too." Everyone was silent. "Did I get everything?"

"Well someone's been where they aren't supposed to be."

I shrugged the best I could. "I guess you could say that. Or you could say I've been doing my homework." I looked around for any windows and noticed it was daytime. "By the way, what time is it?"

"Four in the afternoon," Ben informed me. Vincent slapped the back of his head. "Ow! What was that for?" He rubbed the spot that was hit.

"How did I stay out that long?"

"Drugs." Ben was hit again with a punch to the face.

"Stop answering her questions," yelled Vincent. He sighed and straightened out his suit jacket. Now that I noticed, all of them were dressed up. Ben and Vincent were in suits while Mireya wore a black gown that left little to the imagination. "Now, I want to know where the hell Luca is hiding so I could kill him. I also want access to everything your family owns."

There was a beat of silence. Then I burst out laughing. "You- You really think I'll just hand everything over to you?" I continued to laugh. "Nice try but I'm not a weak bitch." I finally calmed down. "I'm not going to hand over all the secrets of my family with everything we own." I scoffed, "I'm not stupid."

Guns and Rosesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें