23: Release

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We arrived at my house with the boys pulling in behind us. I quickly shut off my bike and pulled off my helmet, shaking out my hair. Marco just left the house and stood at the front steps. I dismounted from my bike and walked up towards the house, tossing my helmet at him. "They were great backup, but they weren't needed," I told him before walking into the house.

"Did they do anything," Marco asked as he trailed after me.

"Nope." I washed my hands before reaching into the fridge and pulling out a washed apple. I took a bite as I turned to him. "Why were we doubted again?"

"I wanted you guys to work together but that didn't happen." I shrugged in reply.

I heard multiple people walk into the house before dispersing throughout. All for one pair of booted feet. Luca walked in and made eye contact with me. "I need to talk to you," he grunted as he walked closer towards us.

"And I want to shove a knife up your dick, but we both can't get what we want." I tossed the core of my eaten apple into the trash before brushing past him. "Plus there's nothing to talk about," I called over my shoulder before walking up the stairs. I heard him mumble something to Marco before following me.

I entered my room and he walked in after me. "Gaiana, I know it was wrong of me to omit the truth."

"Yes, it was." I started to peel off my clothes, getting ready for a shower to wash off the dried blood on my skin.

"And I- What are you doing," he asked cautiously.

"Getting ready for a shower?" I was already dressed down to my black bra and panties. After I turned on the shower, I slammed the door closed, yelling out, "You can leave now!"

After tossing my hair up into a bun, I jumped into the shower and quickly washed the blood off of me, watching the water run red, to pink, until it ran clear again. When I knew I was clean, I quickly shut off the hot water and got out into the steamy bathroom. I dried off and wrapped the towel around my body.

When I exited the bathroom, I paused at the sight of Luca sitting on my bed, facing the bathroom door. "You're not going to give up, are you," I sighed in annoyance. This was the first emotion I felt flow through me in the past few hours.

"No," Luca sighed. "I just want to talk."

I rolled my eyes and entered my closet to get dressed. "Fine. Then talk."

I opened my underwear drawer as Luca started to speak. "I'm sorry for not telling you the truth sooner, mia bella. It was wrong of me to play you like that." I pulled out a navy lace set and put them on. "I want you back, Gaiana. I want another chance, please." I froze when I heard the desperate tone of his voice. "I didn't mean to hurt you the way I did."

I stalked out of my closet and glared at him. "If you didn't want to hurt me, you would have told me! I do not take so kindly to liars. Usually, I put a bullet in the heads of those who do."

"I didn't know at first-"

"You knew when I decided to give you a chance!" He looked down at his hands. "You broke the trust I rarely give out," I whimpered. I hid my face as I felt a tear escape my eye.

A warm hand cupped my cheek and lifted my face so I looked up at Luca. "I'm so sorry, mia bella," he whispered before pulling me close to his chest. I leaned my forehead against his chest as more tears silently streamed down my cheeks. "If I am graced with another chance, I promise to never do this again. I promise I will tell you the truth about everything from now on, even if I think it would be safer for you not to know." He kissed the top of my head and hugged me tighter to his body.

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