Chapter 12: Severus's birthday

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We separately arrived at the castle since we did not want to raise any suspicion. After I put my clothes and belongings back into my chamber, I decided to pay McGonagall a little visit. First of all, I want to thank her for giving me some space and a place to stay. I know that I still looked tired and exhausted, but I look better than before. I made my way up to her office. I knocked and when I heard her say "Enter", I opened the door and closed it behind me. "Kimberly, it is so nice to see you again. You look so much better than a few days ago. Please have a seat. Would you like some tea?". I nodded and sat down. When she was done, she passed me the hot, steaming cup of tea. "Minerva, I would like to thank you for letting me stay in your beautiful home. It was just perfect and exactly what I needed", I told her honestly. She smiled and I returned the smile. "But I also would like to apologize. I probably scared the hell out of you, that night when I ran out of the hospital wing. I know what you want to ask me, but I can't tell you. Not because I don't want to but because I don't know exactly what happened nor do I know why or how it exactly happened", I explained. She nodded her head in an understanding way. "But I am sure that Dumbledore will have an answer for you", she tried to reassure me. "I don't want him to know just yet", I said. "WHAT? But you must tell him. He might be able to help you Kimberly", she kind of ordered her. "Don't worry we're trying to figure it out", I tried to convince her. "Alright but... wait. Who is we?", she asked curiously. "Well... Severus came to visit me, and we had a serious talk about... well us and we will see where this is going", I told her. "Oh my... that is just great. He deserves someone that makes him happy, and I am so happy that you're finally a couple", she shrieked happily. "But Minerva. I need to ask you a favor. We don't want anyone to know. You're the only one that knows because you suspected it already. We have our reasons for hiding our relationship and feelings and you probably know the reason as well as I do", I explained. She nodded and promised me that she wouldn't tell anyone.

When I wanted to leave, I was almost at the door. "Kimberly, before you leave, I am not quite sure if you know and if I should ask you this because Severus might kill me for it, but what are you going to get him for his birthday?". My jaw must have fallen to the floor because after a while it really hurt. "I... ehm... don't know his birth date", I said in a whisper as if I were ashamed of it. "It's the 9th of January. I wasn't quite sure if you knew. Severus doesn't really celebrate his birthday for some reason but I thought you should know". I gave her a shy smile and told her thank you.

I returned to my chambers, closed the door and collapsed on the couch. It was then when I realized that I really don't know a lot about him. That scared me a bit. I know that I am not an open book myself but at least people do know my favorite color, favorite food, what I am interested in, when my birthday is and all that stuff.

It was then when I decided that I need to find out more about him, but first I need to think about birthday presents. I want him to have the most perfect day. I was glad that his birthday is on a Saturday. I sure as hell need to go to Hogsmeade, but what am I gonna get for him? As I was thinking about it, I fell asleep on the couch.

"He'll never love you. He'll never choose you". These words echoed inside my head. The Vampire was suddenly behind me, and his sharp white teeth found their way under my skin. I started to twitch. My head turned left and right. I started mumbling something incomprehensible. "I know that okay. Do you think I'm not aware of that?", I screamed. I opened my eyes and realized where I was. I had the same nightmare, again. I shivered and felt the cold sweat on my forehead. Damn it. The window was open the whole night. As I closed it, I made my way to my bed but I couldn't fall asleep. Why am I having the same nightmare again and again? These thoughts kept me up the whole night. It was 6 am already and since it was a lost cause to stay in bed, I got dressed and made my way to the Great Hall. I know breakfast starts at 7 but I didn't want to stay in my chamber until then. I got out my favorite muggle book and started reading it. At 7:30 some early birds started to eat their breakfast. The rest of the student body came around 8. The other teachers arrived at 8 as well. I greeted a few when I saw Minerva and Severus entering the Hall together. When they looked at me Severus looked worried but didn't approach me. Minerva sat down next to me and whispered into my ear: "Dear, you look dreadful. What happened?". I gave her a confused look. It was then when I realized I didn't apply any make up to hide the bags under my eyes. Great. That's exactly what I needed today. As I was already finished with my breakfast, I left the Great Hall and walked to my classroom. Classes start in 15 minutes, and I still needed to prepare something for my third graders. My first class was fine. The third graders behaved themselves and I didn't have to deduct any points. My second class were my fourth graders and unfortunately, I had to teach the Gryffindors and the Slytherins at the same time. Each house is fine but together they are the worst. Not even ten minutes after class started Mister Malfoy already made a rude comment to Miss Granger. I heard him whisper "Of course the mudblood knows it". I turned around, anger clearly visible in my face. "Mister Malfoy, I do not tolerate any inappropriate comments about your classmates in my classroom", I raised my voice. "Either way you have something nice to say about Miss Granger or you can leave my classroom and I will report to your head of house". The Gryffindors had smirks on their faces and were obviously enjoying it besides Miss Granger, Mister Weasley and Mister Potter. They were just shocked that Malfoy actually dared to say something like that to her in a classroom, where a teacher is nearby. Malfoy still sat in his seat and had an evil sneer on his face. "Professor with all due respect but it is not my fault that she is one". I was only waiting for him to say something like that. "Mister Malfoy, I believe that it is none of your business what Miss Granger is. If I were you I'd be concerned about my own family. Get out of my classroom. You may come back when you realized how wrong your behavior was", I told him cold. The Gryffindors applauded and even some Slytherins were smiling. Apparently not all Slytherins agreed with Draco's behavior. When he reached the door angrily, I said: "Oh and Mister Malfoy, 15 points from Slytherin for inappropriate behavior".

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