Chapter 26: Dumbledore's Army and Arthur's attack

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Everybody returned to school, and it was just awful, and it became even worse. Students weren't allowed to do anything these days because the entire damn wall before the Great Hall was filled up with her damn rules for everyone to read. The students seemed less motivated, and that damn toad seemed to become more powerful by each day that passed. I haven't seen Severus for two weeks. I mean, of course I've seen him but I haven't seen him privately because neither of us had a second to breathe. Umbridge has kept us busy with patrolling and watching detentions. Every single day I have to watch over the detentions she's giving, because she's simply giving so many she can't even watch over them herself. Practically every single student received at least one detention from her so far.

"So, our life is not really different from muggles. The only difference is that we can use magic to our advantage. But the muggles have also evolved over the year. Who here can tell me how and why?", I asked aloud into the class and several hands shot into the air. My classes made good progress despite Umbridge popping in now and then. My class was almost finished when I decided to say something. "Guys, before you leave class today, I wanted to say something. Everyone, and I mean everyone, has made excellent progress so far and I don't have to fear that anyone will fail the midterms". They beamed at me, and I was glad that I was able to put a smile on their faces. When it was time for lunch, I was wondering where all the students were. No one was in the Great Hall. When Longbottom walked in a hurry past me, I yelled after him. "Longbottom. Where are you going? Where is everybody?". "Outside professor. Apparently, Professor Trelawny is getting sacked", and then he ran outside.

I followed him hot on my heels and when I was finally in the courtyard, I saw all the students standing around them but leaving a bit space since they feared Umbridge. I found Minerva and stood next to her. Sybil was standing and all her suitcases were around her. She was crying and held a tissue. Umbridge walked up to her. "Sixteen years I've lived and taught here. Hogwarts is my home. can't do this". She cried and I felt so sorry for her. We haven't connected really but she was always polite towards me, and I exchanged the gesture. "Actually, I can", I heard Umbridge say. Minerva and I were done and walked up to Sybil to support her. It is one thing getting sacked, but another getting sacked in front of the entire student body. I know she is not a well-respected teacher, but she still is an authority figure, and she should be treated as such. "Anything you'd like to say dear", Umbridge said with her high-pitched voice. "Oh, there are several things I would like to say", Minerva hissed back. Just as Umbridge wanted to reply, the doors opened and Dumbledore stepped outside and hurried off to us. No one has really seen him the entire year so far. It is like he is living in the shadows, but I was glad that he decided to show up. She, that toad woman, was sacking one of his teachers. It was about time. "Professor McGonagall, would you be so kind as to bring Sybil back inside", and she did as she was told. Sybil thanked him several times before they finally left. Umbridge had made a small uprising, but she knew she could not win this case. Although she has the power to dismiss teachers, it must not prohibit them from staying here. That is the decision of the headmaster. I ordered the students to go back inside and go to their next lesson because if they haven't Umbridge surely would have handed out detentions.

Winter was already here, and midterms would be in just two weeks. After my last class, I was about to leave when Miss Weasley came in and shut the door behind her. "Professor, I need to talk to you. It's... it's important". I put my gathered things on the desk and motioned for her to sit. "What can I do for you, Miss Weasley". She seemed rather nervous and always glanced back to the door to make sure it was really closed. "Well, there is something going on right now and we need your help", she tried to explain. "We? Who exactly is we, Miss Weasley". "You have to promise first that you won't tell anyone, especially Umbridge". I nodded. "Alright, I promise". I have known for so long and I think it is so weird that she calls me professor and I call her Miss Weasley but at Hogwarts we don't have a choice in the matter. "I am not allowed to actually tell you what I am talking about. You just have to see for yourself really. Well, some of us have formed a club and it is not just any club. We need help and we need help from someone who knows what they're doing. If you're interested, you should meet us on Thursday in the room of requirement" and with that she left.

Kiss me and I'm yours - A Severus Snape storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin