Chapter 32: Taking his place

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"No. No. No. No. NO.", I screamed. "POPPY", I yelled through the entire hospital wing. He was crashing there was no doubt about that. I had no clue as to what I was supposed to do in order to help him. When Poppy finally came, she acted immediately. She grabbed some fluid, I presume medications, put them in a needle and then she injected it in Severus right arm. Slowly, his body calmed down, until he didn't move. She felt his heartbeat and told me it came back to normal. I closed my eyes and slowly calmed down myself. Damn, I nearly cried. "Maybe it would be a good idea if you'd stay here for a while", she suggested, and I could only nod. "He seems calmer around you", she said with a wink. "What are you implying Poppy?", I asked unsure where this was going. "Come on. I see the way he is looking at you. His eyes light up just enough for me to realize when he looks at you. I have never seen him look at someone like that", and with that she left me alone with my thoughts.

He is only here because of me. If I had stopped Potter to got to the ministry, we wouldn't be here right now. I wasn't even quite sure if he came to the ministry to protect us both, or just me in that case. Tears came, and I couldn't control myself any longer and just let them flow. All I wanted was for him to finally wake up. I never meant for this to happen. "I will do everything in my power to save you. You might not feel the same for me anymore, but I never felt so strongly about you. I will never give up on you. It's time to return the favor", I whispered gently.

Soon, it was after curfew and in between that time he has crashed once again, and Kimberly yelled after Poppy once again and again she managed to safe his life. When he was crashing the third time, Kimberly was about yell for Poppy again, but then she suddenly realized something. She rolled up the sleeve on his left arm and there it was. The dark Mark. It was moving heavily, and she knew why Severus has been crashing the whole time. It wasn't because he was about to die, it was because he was being called and since his brain cannot act fully right now, his body has no choice, but to react somehow.

She knew a way to save him. She also knew that Severus would definitely not be happy with that decision. He might never speak to her again. Although, she could use this to finally get him out of Dumbledore's little game. She could get her deal after all. There was a choice to make yet again. She could sit here the entire time, hoping that the dark Lord would stop calling him, realizing Severus isn't coming, or she could take his place and therefore save his life. She didn't need to think. Not really. Her choice was clear and the only regret she might have, is Severus's reaction to it.

She got her wand out and held it out to Severus's arm. She pointed it at the dark mark, and she muttered a few words. The dark mark was moving towards her wand, sinking inside her wand. It was done. She only had to point her own wand at her own arm, to make it reappear. She took a deep breath, rolled up her own sleeve and pointed her wand at her left arm. It burned as hell, and she grunted in pain. It took everything not to scream. She put her wand away and with her right hand, she gripped her left arm. She took one last look at Severus. He returned to a calm state and the only thing she could hope was that it was the right decision. She kissed his forehead gently, one last tear dropped, and she was gone.

She was running. The mark continued to burn, and it only got worse. She was running faster and finally she stood before Dumbledore's office. She muttered "Lemon drops" and the gargoyle moved, and staircases appeared. She knocked aggressively on Dumbledore's door and shouted that he should finally open the door. The door opened and revealed Dumbledore standing behind his desk. "I don't have time to explain, Dumbledore. Severus was badly hurt. He is in the hospital wing right now. He was about to die. It was the mark. He was calling him. With my magic, I removed it and now, I have it". I rolled up my sleeve to prove it. "I will take his place, but I need you to promise me that he will be fine. You need to promise me that he will survive this. Promise me that he will make it out alive", I must have seemed pretty desperate, but I didn't care. I only continued my argument. "I am your best shot now. Take it or leave it". For a few seconds there was an uncomfortable silence. "I promise", was all he said, and I turned to leave. I was about to reach the door when he spoke up again. "I lifted Hogwarts's protection spells for you. You are free to apparate", and relieve flooded my body. I apparated instantly and appeared just outside Malfoy Manor. It was even easier than last time to get through, because somehow the magic surrounding this place must have sensed the dark mark on my arm, therefore letting me get through without having to mumble any spells. I hurriedly walked through the gardens and when I opened the door, I was standing in a huge room. There were several stairs leading upstairs. Not really knowing where I was supposed to head, I took the stairs upstairs.

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