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2 years passed since the defeat of Lord Voldemort. It took Severus and Kimberly an immense amount of time to heal properly, but eventually they did. They had decided to leave Hogwarts for a while, not really wanting to dwell on those horrible memories. Of course, they could not just leave, Kimberly's heart wouldn't allow it, so they promised to help with the rebuilt of Hogwarts and as soon as that was finished, Kimberly and Severus started their lives together, just the two of them. Obviously, they couldn't just leave their friends behind like that. They visited each other from time to time and Severus was even able to mend things with the famous Harry Potter. They sort of became friends. Severus desperately wanted to be as close to Kimberly as he could. He wanted everything with her. He wanted to be married to her, he wanted to have a small cozy house with her, and he even wanted to start a family with her. Kimberly soon got pregnant and to their own surprise it wasn't one baby. She was carrying twins and to her surprise, Severus was over the moon when she had told him. He spun her around, kissed her happily and her little baby bump and promised her he would do everything he could to keep their family safe. 8 months later, they had welcomed Asher and Blake Snape into the world and Kimberly had never seen such cute babies. From the looks they were all Kimberly, except their hair. It was just as dark as their fathers. Their characteristics on the other hand were all Severus. They were soon interested in potions and Severus couldn't have been happier. He had been scared that his children wouldn't like him but he couldn't have been more wrong. They adored their father and tried so hard to make him proud. Only two years later did Kimberly find out that she was pregnant yet again and they soon welcomed Grace Snape into world. This one was all Kimberly and Severus Snape could tell. She had the beauty of her mother and received her Quidditch talents too because at 4 years old she was zooming outside with her little toy broom that Kimberly had bought her, much to Severus's dismay. As their children got older, they knew that they would go to Hogwarts and just so that it happened, two positions opened up for them. Minerva carefully asked them if they would like to return to Hogwarts, since they could be with their children. After consideration they gladly accepted their teaching positions. Severus decided he was content staying with Potions and so Kimberly received her Defense against the Dark Arts position back.

When it came to the Sorting ceremony of their sons, Severus had been extremely nervous. Part of him wanted them to be in Slytherin together since it was his house as well and he was proud to be one. The other part of him was afraid that they might get bullied for it as he did. It surprised him at the end when none of the twins were sorted into Slytherin. The Sorting Hat had chosen Ravenclaw for both, which in the end made sense. They were incredibly smart and were quick to learn new things. Only two years later, Severus sat in his seat once again, extremely nervous. When it was time for Grace's sorting he wanted her to be in Slytherin so badly because she was his little girl and practically everything about her screamed Slytherin. And he wanted at least to have one of his children in his house, since he was yet again Head of Slytherin House. She was ambitious and cunning, yet the Sorting Hat had sorted her into Gryffindor. Severus was right when he said that she would fit Slytherin perfectly, but she was also brave and wasn't afraid to stand up for herself or other people. Severus was disappointed when the Hat had yelled "Gryffindor", but he forgot it as soon as it appeared because his daughter was looking at him happily and that was all that mattered to him, yet his wife noticed his little frustration. "Guess we have to try for a fourth one, then", Kimberly had told her husband. He couldn't suppress a laugh. "Forth one's a charm, right?", he had answered back to her as a joke.

For a reason, no one knew they had left dinner early that night. When he had pushed her against the wooden door in their bedroom, he whispered in her ear with his deep and rich voice: "You are the light of my life".

In the end, everything turned around for Severus Snape. He had a beautiful wife; three brilliant children and he would get to live at the place he called home since he was eleven years old.

All was well.

Kiss me and I'm yours - A Severus Snape storyWhere stories live. Discover now