Chapter 4: Accident

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The two weeks went by slowly. It was now the middle of September. In just two weeks Kimberly had to go on her first mission. Severus hadn't spoken to her in those two weeks. He was barely seen at breakfast, lunch or dinner. She was wondering if he was avoiding her or if he's just busy. Though the term just started so it wouldn't make much sense for him to be that busy. She was wondering if she made him uncomfortable when she stopped by his office two weeks ago. He isn't a man of many words nor emotion. Well okay maybe he can't just really show them, but still. Was it wrong to tell him that I enjoyed it that he stayed for me? Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. I had no clue.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Neville. The boy was standing right in front of her desk. She didn't realize that he entered her classroom. She continued to show him the incantation and the movement and he still failed.

"I'm hopeless", the boy sniffled. He looked like he was about to cry. It made my heart break. He was trying so hard. Suddenly an idea came to here mind. "Neville, could you pass me your wand please". He did so and I analyzed it thoroughly. When I looked at it, I realized that its length, wood and core material are unknown. "Neville, where did you purchase your wand?", I asked curiously. He looked at me with his big sad eyes. I saw his eyes filling with tears. "Ehm, I... I... didn't purchase it. It belonged to father", he sniffled louder. My eyes grew wider as I understood why he couldn't do any incantation right. The wand doesn't belong to him. "Neville, thank you for telling me this. I just realized why you're unable to cast a spell properly". He looked at me and wiped his tears away. "The wand never chose you. The wand chooses the wizard. This isn't the case here. You got it from your father, even though id doesn't belong to you exactly". The boy nodded. "But Professor... I don't have that kind of money to purchase one", he looked down again. He was definitely embarrassed of him having no money. I reached my hand out to touch his shoulder slightly. "Don't worry Neville. I'll take care of it". His eyes were filled with happiness.

Today's the day we take the students to Hogsmeade. I heard Minerva say that she had a blast, and all the students were behaving. Of course, they did. She got all the older students while Severus and I have to watch the first, second and third graders. I already knew that today I'll have to deduct lots of house points, if they don't behave.

For mid-September it was really cold, freezing so to say. Kimberly was always the first person to get cold, but never sick. She still preferred the cold weather, because you can always wear more. During summer you can't walk around naked and she was always sweating a lot. While Snape was leading them to Hogsmeade, Kimberly was at the end of the group and made sure that no one would fall behind. Thankfully, nothing happened during their walk to Hogsmeade. Thank goodness because Kimberly was way to distracted by the thought of Severus. She was also thinking about who would be allowed to enter the Triwizard Tournament as the cup would let us know this evening, who would be participating. When they arrived at Hogsmeade the children were running everywhere. Most of them ran towards the sweet shops. As for the third graders they rather enjoyed the Three Broomsticks. I was looking for Severus and when I saw him, I walked towards him.

"Severus, guess who solved Longbottom's problem", I smirked at him. I thought it was not smart to start the conversation about the last time we saw each other. Furthermore, I was only waiting for an opportunity like this to rub it in his face. As he turned around, his hair was following his head dramatically and for a second, I thought how God damn good that looked.

He raised his left eyebrow; he was definitely curious about this. "Please don't tell me that it was because of his confidence because that boy has none", he stated coldly. "Actually no", I replied just as cold. "Believe it or not, it's his wand. As I analyzed his wand, I wanted to know where he purchased it because it seemed rather odd. Only then did he tell me that it is his fathers and therefore" ... Snape interrupted me and finished my sentence for me. "Therefore, the wand didn't choose him. You do like to prove me wrong, don't you?", he smirked and chuckled. "That's what I live for Professor", I looked at him with my big blue eyes. "Anyway, I also wanted to apologize and at the same time, show you how it's really done". I giggled. "I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable with what I said, I didn't mean to". Suddenly, I realized of how close I was standing next to him. Our lips... ehm, I mean heads were only inches away from each other. "Don't worry", he mumbled. Before I could say or do anything a second year came running towards us. "Please Professor, I need your help", the blonde boy cried out. As he was a Gryffindor, he was clearly my responsibility.

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