Chapter 9: Mission Number Two

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"Professor, are you alright? I don't mean to offend you but you don't look... well", Dumbledore said to me. It was December the 27th and I am sitting in his office to discuss some final touches for my mission. I didn't leave my chamber for the past two days. I barely slept and I know Minerva has been very worried sick about my health. I already feel guilty for not being able to tell her what really happened but right now it doesn't matter. Dumbledore was just about to tell me which vampire coven I must convince in order to regain Godric Gryffindor's ring when there was a knock on his door. "Come in", he said gently. I didn't even bother to turn around, since I didn't actually care. Whoever it was entered quickly and walked towards Dumbledore. While walking that person said:" Headmaster, I fulfilled my duty and followed Potter and his little friends over the past two days, it is now someone else's turn".

I knew that voice. Without looking up, I knew that it was Severus. I just kept looking at Dumbledore's desk. After they exchanged a few details, he looked at me, then left. I didn't look back. "Severus is worried about you, you know", Dumbledore told me. "Well, it isn't any of his concern now, is it?", I snapped. I realized that I just snapped at my boss and apologized quickly. "I am sorry sir, it's just... I didn't get much sleep the past couple days".

We exchanged the final details. He told me that I will be able to apparate back into the castle later, but for now I will have to walk outside the premises. We said our goodbyes and I left his office. When I closed his door, someone asked me: "Are you alright?". I turned around slowly, now directly looking at Severus. "That is none of your concern now, is it?", I snapped. He looked a bit shocked, but still he continued. "What were you doing in Dumbledore's office?", he asked me. "That is also none of your concern", I said cold. He walked up to me. "Please, don't shut me out", he said that with such a low and gentle voice. I wanted to kiss him right here, right now, but I had to pull myself together. I was about to go on a mission where I'd have to convince vampires for a bloody ring. "It's not pretty, is it? Let's see how you like it when someone shuts you out for no reason". With that being said I left Severus with a shocked face but in that moment I really couldn't care less.

After a few minutes, I was outside the premises. I looked at my watch. 9am. I sighed. I have no idea when I will return, but I hope it will be soon. I apparated to my destination Dumbledore gave me. I found myself in Catania, a city in Italy. It took me a few hours to find the place Dumbledore described. The description wasn't as informative as I thought it would be. Unfortunately, I can't directly apparate into the coven. It is protected and they prefer to be a little more outside where it is more discrete for them. After my arrival, two guards were standing in front of a huge mountain. "What is your business here, witch", the vampire guard sneered at me. "I have an audience with your vampire leader. My name is Kimberly Knight, surely Albus Dumbledore informed you of my arrival", I said relaxed. I should be scared as hell right now because my last encounter with vampires did not end well, but this is a different coven, with different vampires. Maybe they are different. Just because this particular vampire coven was a pain in the ass doesn't mean that they are the same. At least I hoped so. One of the vampire guards went into the coven and returned minutes later. "Come with me then. I will show you to your room", he stated annoyed. I followed him deeper into the coven. It looked like a beautiful castle from the inside, without windows of course. The guard let me to my room. "Tomorrow at 10 pm sharp our leader will have a meeting with you. Somebody will come and pick you up tomorrow". I nodded and entered my room. It wasn't anything special but for now it'll do. I had a bathroom as well and decided to take a hot bath before going to bed.

While Kimberly enjoyed her bath, Severus was worried about her and decided to confront Albus about it. He wasn't sure if she said anything or how much he already knew but he couldn't let it go. He didn't see her once in the last two days. She missed breakfast, lunch and dinner constantly. I knew that she was in her chamber because Minerva went to see her. I knocked on his door again, and once again he told me to enter. "Severus, we just spoke, something urgent I presume?", he asked raising an eyebrow. "I wanted to know what Kimberly and you talked about", he stated coolly. "And you want to know because?", he asked curiously. "I am worried about her health. She didn't show up in two days and she looked awful when I saw her in your office", he said with a hint of worry in his tone. "I am sorry to tell you this, but Kimberly won't return to the castle tonight, nor will she tomorrow. I do not know when she will return but it is likely before the new term starts", said Dumbledore.

Kiss me and I'm yours - A Severus Snape storyWhere stories live. Discover now