Chapter 24: Thanksgiving

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Molly invited the entire inner circle to Thanksgiving at Grimmauld Place. She thought it was important to let our minds wander to something different than having to worry about Umbridge and Voldemort, so she invited Severus and I to stay at Grimmauld Place. I would have stayed anyway because I honestly cannot see that toad face any longer. Severus would turn up for Thanksgiving dinner but would leave afterwards since he knew he wouldn't be welcomed with open arms. I tried to persuade him to stay at Grimmauld Place at least for the night but he wouldn't have it and I have to say I was disappointed not only in him but with the other members as well. He is an important member, and he is saving everybody's life's every single day, yet none of them know anything about it, nor do they give him the second chance he deserves.

Thanksgiving is today, and Severus already convinced me to stay hidden at his chambers for half the holiday. Honestly, I couldn't say no to him and we haven't had the exact chance to spend some time together alone either. Unfortunately, it is only a weeklong, but I didn't want to spend my holidays without him, so we stayed hidden in his chambers. I believed as long as nobody saw me, no one would ever have to know that I didn't leave the castle when I said I would.

We cuddled, we drank tea and we read a lot of books. It was actually quite nice spending time like this. House elves brought us delicious food and we never had to leave his chambers. For once it was actually quiet and Severus and I enjoyed it very much.

However, as already mentioned, Thanksgiving is today ,and I was extremely excited when we arrived at Grimmauld Place. I brought a bottle of some wine I still had somewhere in my chambers and decided today would be a good day to finally open it. I am not a big drinker, so I had no clue what kind of wine that is, nor how long I actually had it. For the first time, in a long time, I wore a knee long skirt again. I knew I can trust every single person in there and Severus has actually cheered me up on that topic. I was wearing a black skirt, with a beautiful white blouse and I already got my winter robes out. I get cold quickly, even though I enjoy the coldness.

I walked up the few steps and knocked. Few seconds later, Molly opened the door, and she was thrilled to see me. "Oh, Kimberly nice to see you again. Come on in. Ah Severus, glad you're here as well. Come on in guys". Every time it amazed me how nice she was to everyone around her. I knew for sure that Severus must have been rude to her a few times in the past, yet she still is nice to him anyway. That woman never fails to amaze me. She motioned for us to come in and we walked though the long hallway, directly into the dining room.

We walked in the dining room, right after she did and I was looking around the room, to see who already arrived. I saw Sirius, obviously, it's his house. Lupin and Tonks were there as well. Wait. Lupin and Tonks? As in Lupin and Tonks together? I couldn't hold back a smirk and I would definitely tease Remus about that later. Can't believe it took him that long. The real Moody was there as well, Albus too, the Weasley's, I can only assume that Granger and Potter are here as well somewhere. I saw Minerva, already chatting with Arthur and Kingsley was here as well. I haven't seen Fred or George so far, which made me wonder. They were usually waiting for me to finally come and see them again and were so happy to see me, but this time not one of the twins were in the dining room. "Hey Molly, do you know where Fred and George are?". "I am sure they're upstairs, figuring out who to prank next", she said annoyed. I could only chuckle. It was their specialty after all.

I decided to go look for them and went upstairs. I look inside a few rooms, trying to figure out where they were. When I entered, I can only assume their room, because it look extremely messy, they apparated behind me and grabbed me by the shoulders. I screamed really loud and when I turned around, I saw the redhaired twins, grinning at me evilly. "That's what you get for not writing to us", they said in complete synch. My hand clutched to my chest and took a deep breath. "Damn. You scared the shit out of me", I exclaimed. "We know", they said at the same time. "Don't ever do that again", I threatened them. "Well then write to us more often", they teased. "Alright, alright", I shot my hands up in the air of defeat, "but only because you cornered me", and we bursted into laughing. "But I am sorry though, it has been crazy with Umbridge. That woman might make a murderer out of me", I explained.

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