Chapter 14: The second task but the last mission

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The other half of February passed by quickly and March as well. Severus and I had a great time. I didn't get any closer with him opening up to me, but we spent time together and bonded. Mostly we would stay in his or my chamber since no one could know of this relationship. We graded our essays and tests together, and we'd spent most of the time cuddling or he would read to me. It was honestly so relaxing. We both looked forward to spending time with each other, since it is not easy teaching the students. When we see each other it's like a short holiday. We also had plenty of sex and, even though I can't compare it to anything, I think our sex is perfect. We both got a little bit braver, when it came to try out new things in bed, and louder as well. Thank Merlin for magic otherwise the entire student body would hear me scream.

It was now April, the 8th actually, and the second task was bound to happen tomorrow. After the second task, Remus and I were to leave the castle immediately. Severus grew more nervous each hour that passed. It wasn't visible to anybody but me. No classes were taught today since the champions had to prepare mentally for it. They had no idea what was going on or what they will have to do. We, the teachers of course knew. It was time to go to the boats and make sure every student arrives there safely. As we walked outside, I heard several students chatting about who might be the first place this time. Lots of them believed it to be Cedric Diggory. A few thought it would be Potter.

As we arrived, we listened to Dumbledore's speech and the canon gave the signal for the start. All candidates disappeared in the water, except Mister Potter. He seemed to have a little bit of trouble and didn't dive in the water as elegantly as the others. I walked upstairs, where most of the teachers were sitting. They had an hour to complete the task. I sat next to Severus and was chatting with Minerva. Remus was nowhere to be seen. That was odd. I know how close he is with Harry, which is why I thought he'd want to be here. "Severus, do you know where Remus is", I asked politely. He shook his head. I wonder where he is. Severus seemed to be even more tense the entire task.

Time was almost up, and Miss Delacour was the first one to show up, but she came empty handed and was therefore last placed. I felt sorry for the girl. She is, after all, the only girl in this competition. Cedric Diggory was the first to turn up with Miss Chang. Next was Viktor Krum with Miss Granger and the last one was Harry Potter with Mr. Weasley and what I assume to be Miss Delacour's little sister. Even though Harry was the last one, he was given the second place for being an outstanding role model. I was proud of him. I patted his shoulder and congratulated him. I heard Severus mutter "Show off", and the only thing I could do was smirk, but the second he saw Potter was alive he relaxed a bit. While the other teachers were trying to calm down the rest of the students, Severus and I disappeared from the crowd. "Where do you think you're going?", I asked him. "Bringing you to Dumbledore's office", he replied coolly. "Don't you think that'll be suspicious?", I asked him raising an eyebrow. "I think I'm allowed to bring my girlfriend safely to an office", he said with a smirk on his face. I grinned from ear to ear. "What?", he asked. "You just called me your girlfriend", I replied. "I suppose I have". I looked around and quickly kissed his cheek. Before we entered the castle, I pulled him behind a huge tree and pinned him against the wall. "What are you doing?", but I cut him off and brought my lips to his and kissed him. When I broke the kiss, I cupped his face with my hands. "Severus. I want to tell you something. I know that you're not ready to say it back and you don't have to and I definitely don't want to pressure you but I just have to get it off my chest". I paused for a short while and looked into his black onyx eyes. "I love you Severus". I know he wouldn't say it back yet and that was completely fine, I just wanted him to know that there is somebody who loves him. He did the only thing he could do and that was kissing me back. After we broke the kiss there was a single tear falling down his cheeks and I quickly wiped it away. He smiled and I smiled back.

Kiss me and I'm yours - A Severus Snape storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora