Chapter 29: Little Chat with Minerva

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"I can't do this anymore. I am sorry". Kimberly looked up at Severus. She dropped her book and for a moment the world stood still. She blinked a few times, trying to understand what just happened. He stood there, shoulders hanging and his face look towards the ground. He couldn't even bare to look at her. "You are better off without me. Trust me. Please just let me go. I am truly sorry" and the scene before Kimberly seemed to continue in slow motion. She felt tears in her eyes, fearing to flow freely down her cheeks. Severus didn't seem to show any emotion at all, besides him being uncomfortable. She watched as he hurriedly turned around, his cloak following him, and shut the door behind him. He was gone and Kimberly woke up for the second time in the night, crying.

She didn't understand as to why he would break up with her just like that. He didn't even give her an explanation. He just did it and then left. She wanted an answer from him, but she knew she'd never get one. She laid back down and thought about it. She replayed the entire situation in her head, trying to find something, anything that could indicate as to why Severus could do it so easily. Was it something she did? Shouldn't she have forgiven him for calling her a slut? Obviously, she was hurt because of it, but over the time she got to know Severus better. She understood him better in different ways and she couldn't really blame him for his acting. Of course, it was wrong to call her that but what was he supposed to do? Yes, rational thinking would have been a good choice, but he has had a difficult childhood and his Hogwarts years weren't easy either. What can you expect from someone that has been misguided, horrible treated at home and has never known a real friend? He even his protecting the boy who looks exactly like his bully. He is lying to the dark Lord and risking his life daily to protect Harry Potter, and no one knows except Dumbledore and not even I know the full story.

And of course, his past shouldn't be an excuse Kimberly can use to excuse his poor behavior, but she knows how easy it is to lose control. Everybody is different and everybody reacts different to certain things that are happening to them. Even though her "father" became abusive towards her, she had a good childhood before her "mother" died. She knew what it meant to be loved but Severus never knew it, at least not until Kimberly gave him a chance.

When I looked at the time, it was already 10 am. Might as well get up now. I got dressed, fixed my hair and make-up, and decided to pay Minerva a visit. I knocked and when she said "Enter", I walked inside her chambers.

Her chambers reminded me of her house that she let me stay in last year. Her chambers are truly cozy and when you walk inside it just reminds you of her for some weird reason. "Oh, Kimberly, how was your Christmas", she asked cheerfully. We both took a seat across from each other. "Well... it was not so great. How was yours?", I answered honestly. "Well, my Christmas was nice. And why wasn't yours so great? What happened?". "I don't know how to put so I might as well just say it. Severus broke up with me".


"WHAT?", she screamed hysterically. I shrugged my shoulders. "He came to my chambers yesterday, told me we're over and then he left". Her face turned red like a beetroot. "You're kidding me, right? That slimy git. I mean who does he think he is? He can't just break up with you! I mean, for the first time in my life I have seen him happy and not just happy. He has been over the moon, and he was so happy and nervous at the same time. I-I-I just don't understand. Did something happen between you two?".

"Well, kinda. But I wanted to forgive him. He didn't understand as to why I would do forgive him that easily. He called me a bad name and I don't want to repeat it but it did hurt. A lot, to be honest. He believed because Lily has never forgiven him for calling her something bad that I won't either, but I am not her. I am different and I just wanted to spend the holidays with him. I didn't want to ruin it because of some stupid fight and when the holidays are over and we have to get back to our duties, we won't see each other much so I just wanted to make it memorable, but apparently that wasn't good enough", I explained.

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