Chapter 19: Gone all summer

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I've already spent three weeks at The Burrow and Molly and Arthur welcomed me with open arms. Fred and George were thrilled to see me, Ron thought it was weird having his teacher live with him, but he understood the circumstances. Ginny was excited as well, only Percy seemed to ignore me, because he didn't believe in Voldemort's return.

I had to tell Fred and George what happened with Barty Crouch Junior because Minerva was so worried about my well-being that she informed Molly and Arthur, who of course informed their children. They knew I've been having nightmares and didn't sleep well, nor a lot. We were in their room when I started telling my side of the story. "Wait a second, Snape saved your life?", they questioned as they couldn't believe what I've just said. "Yes, he did. Several times in fact", I stated. They still seemed shocked, but I made them promise me, to not tell a single soul. I knew I was able to trust them, as I had done before many times.

We continued talking about their joke shop and how they were finally able to open it, because of the money Harry gave them. The twins intended to pay him back every cent, once they've been successful and I helped them coming up with a business plan.

I tried everything to keep my mind of Severus. Every day I was hoping that he'd write me back, but that day never came. I didn't hear a single thing. I don't know anything, concerning him right now. I was hoping to see him at Grimmauld place, but I didn't want to get up my hopes. We would go there tomorrow since Sirius insisted on some company. Ever since he escaped Azkaban, he has been forced to live in his childhood home and couldn't step a foot outside. He was probably bored to death, but I believe that will change tomorrow, especially with Fred and George talking about their joke shop constantly.

Severus point of view:

I found myself in front of Malfoy Manor. I walked there as fast as I could. I didn't know what I could expect. I was scared, but more scared for Kimberly than for my own life. I can only hope that he will believe the excuse that I've come up with. I entered the Manor and when I arrived upstairs, I saw him. He was alive. Death eaters were already sitting at their place and waited for Voldemort to do something. They seemed petrified in his presence. He looked up when I entered the room. I felt his cold presence and it sent shivers down my spine.

"Severus, I thought you had lost your way", he said surprised. "I am loyal to you and to you only, my Lord". I bowed a little bit to show him my respect. "THEN WHY IN MERLIN'S NAME ARE YOU LATE", he demanded. "My Lord, Dumbledore put an anti-apparition charm over the grounds", I said calmly. "I can only imagine that you'd like to explain as to why Barty has been telling me that you switched sides", Voldemort exclaimed. "My Lord, I didn't think you'd wanted me to blow my cover. I knew one day you'd return and then, I'd have all the information you need about Dumbledore and his Order of the Phoenix", I explained and tried to be as calm as ever. "You are a clever man Severus. But one thing remains unclear. Barty has been telling me about Kimberly Knight and her powers and how you knew all along about it". "My Lord, Miss Knight is an extremely strong headed witch. I know exactly what type of witch she is, but I also knew that she would rather die than join our cause, if anyone tries to force her into it. I slowly befriended her, and I am fooling her into believing what the right cause is and slowly, I have been getting her on our side. When the time is right, she'll know what side will win because she is a survivor", I said convinced about myself with an evil grin. "Then you'd have no problem with me looking into your mind Severus?".

"Of course not, my Lord. It would be an honor". Before I knew it, he penetrated my mind, but I have been practicing for years. I easily showed him the altered memories and he did not notice the difference. He saw exactly what he needed to see to be convinced. It was hard and I knew that one mistake could kill me. "Well then Severus, your loyalty once again, has been proven". Voldemort seemed pleased.

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